{14} All Tickets by Milestone (308 matches)

In each Milestone, ordered by time, type, owner, priority

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Results (1 - 100 of 308)

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Milestone (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created Modified
#4 tarball contains MacOS file FP other none Defect admin closed Jul 9, 2013 Jul 18, 2013
#9 Issues with getting the correct data from ECMWF server FP input data none Support leohaim closed Aug 9, 2013 Dec 3, 2015
#12 learning to use FLEXPART - problem with COMMAND file FP other FLEXPART 9.0.2 Support jbrioude closed Aug 16, 2013 Aug 19, 2013
#13 check for / in pathnames FP other FLEXPART 9.0.2 Enhancement somebody closed Aug 19, 2013 Sep 12, 2013
#14 runtime errors linked to compile-time options FP coding/compilation FLEXPART-WRF Support jbrioude closed Aug 30, 2013 Sep 19, 2013
#22 dates file updated before end of execution FP coding/compilation FLEXPART 9.0.2 Enhancement ignacio closed Sep 10, 2013 Sep 12, 2013
#23 Coding standards FP coding/compilation none Task ansto closed Sep 12, 2013 May 22, 2014
#28 Trivial parallelisation FP input data Task pesei accepted Sep 12, 2013 Sep 12, 2013
#30 Documentation for domain-filling runs FP other Task hasod accepted Sep 12, 2013 Nov 19, 2013
#39 Interpolation close to the poles FP physics/numerics Task somebody new Sep 12, 2013 Sep 12, 2013
#42 ECMWF pre-processor too heavy FP input data Enhancement anphi closed Sep 12, 2013 Jul 21, 2021
#43 Library for reading output FP post-processing Task pesei accepted Sep 12, 2013 Mar 20, 2014
#47 FLEXPART Logo FP other none Task admin closed Sep 12, 2013 Feb 25, 2014
#52 Particle release density FP physics/numerics Enhancement ignacio assigned Oct 28, 2013 Jun 2, 2014
#53 FLEXPART-WRF v3.1 FP other FLEXPART-WRF New feature somebody closed Nov 1, 2013 Nov 1, 2013
#59 Improve error messages FP coding/compilation FLEXPART 9.2 beta Enhancement anphi accepted Jan 10, 2014 Mar 6, 2015
#62 error reading ECMWF grib files, gridcheck.f90 FP input data FLEXPART 9.0.2 Support somebody closed Jan 29, 2014 Apr 4, 2014
#67 Support for removing levels from EN files FP input data none New feature anphi accepted Mar 24, 2014 Jul 12, 2017
#68 Problem with OUTGRID felxpart wrf FP other FLEXPART-WRF Support jbrioude closed Mar 30, 2014 Apr 2, 2014
#69 flexwrfv3.0 running problem FP other FLEXPART-WRF Support somebody closed Apr 1, 2014 Apr 1, 2014
#70 flexwrfv3.1 running problem FP other FLEXPART-WRF Support somebody closed Apr 1, 2014 Apr 2, 2014
#71 FLEXPART NetCDF output FP post-processing FLEXPART 9.0.2 Support hasod closed Apr 2, 2014 Oct 21, 2014
#72 Issues while compiling FLEXTRA FLEXTRA FLEXTRA 3 Support pesei closed Apr 10, 2014 May 28, 2014
#75 installation of FLEXPART 9.0.2 FP other FLEXPART 9.0.2 Support pesei closed May 6, 2014 Nov 21, 2014
#76 course notes: WS11_visu.ppt FP other FLEXPART 9.0.2 Support somebody closed May 6, 2014 May 7, 2014
#82 Seasonal sensitivity plot FP post-processing FLEXPART 9.0.2 Support somebody closed Jun 6, 2014 Jun 6, 2014
#83 FlexWRF runtime error FP input data FLEXPART-WRF Support jbrioude closed Jun 10, 2014 Jun 11, 2014
#93 problem when running in OpenMP mode FP other FLEXPART-WRF Support jbrioude closed Jul 1, 2014 Nov 18, 2014
#96 FLEXWRF3.1 output in lat/lon grid FP input data FLEXPART-WRF Support jbrioude closed Aug 4, 2014 Aug 8, 2014
#97 FLEXWRF3.1 compiling issue with netcdf4.3.2 FP coding/compilation FLEXPART-WRF Defect jbrioude closed Aug 18, 2014 Nov 7, 2014
#98 data resolution error FP coding/compilation FLEXPART 9.0.2 Defect pesei closed Oct 5, 2014 Oct 22, 2014
#99 Flexpart-WRF v3.1 OMP FP other FLEXPART-WRF Support jbrioude closed Oct 6, 2014 Nov 18, 2014
#100 Flexpart-WRF grid_flux Output FP post-processing FLEXPART-WRF Support somebody closed Oct 9, 2014 Dec 3, 2015
#102 flexpart-wrf build fails on OSX with PGI fortran FP coding/compilation FLEXPART-WRF Support somebody closed Oct 24, 2014 Nov 4, 2014
#103 FLEXWRFV3.1 runtime probIems (about IOUTPUTFOREACHREL and NAGECLASS) FP other FLEXPART-WRF Defect jbrioude closed Oct 27, 2014 Nov 9, 2014
#105 error when compiling flexpart-wrf 3.1 FP coding/compilation FLEXPART-WRF Support jbrioude closed Nov 19, 2014 Dec 3, 2015
#111 where is the MQUASILAG option FP input data FLEXPART-WRF Defect jbrioude closed Dec 23, 2014 Apr 4, 2015
#112 Flexpart-WRF instaltion issues FP coding/compilation FLEXPART-WRF Support somebody closed Jan 7, 2015 Jan 27, 2015
#113 Option for incremental wet deposition output FP physics/numerics FLEXPART 9.2 beta New feature pesei accepted Jan 27, 2015 Feb 16, 2015
#114 FLEXPART-WRF of v3.2 cannot read in more than 96 met files? FP other FLEXPART 9.0.2 Defect anphi accepted Mar 7, 2015 Jun 20, 2017
#125 Makefile for Flexpart-wrf FP coding/compilation FLEXPART-WRF Support somebody closed Jul 7, 2015 Jul 6, 2017
#126 Segmentation fault - invalid memory reference FP coding/compilation none Support closed Sep 9, 2015 Sep 9, 2015
#127 Error loading shared libraries FP other FLEXPART 9.0.2 Support pesei closed Nov 2, 2015 Aug 23, 2016
#130 flex_extract (was: ECMWFDATA) 7.0 test version flex_extract flex_extract_v7.0.2 New feature leohaim closed Dec 3, 2015 Jan 17, 2019
#131 Error when compiling the flexwrf3.2 with GNU for OPENMP parallel run FP coding/compilation FLEXPART-WRF Support jbrioude closed Dec 11, 2015 Feb 22, 2016
#132 Error while installation flexwrf3.2 with GNU for OPENMP parallel run FP coding/compilation FLEXPART-WRF Support closed Dec 17, 2015 Aug 23, 2016
#133 Error while installation flexwrf3.2 with GNU for OPENMP parallel run FP coding/compilation FLEXPART-WRF Support closed Dec 18, 2015 Feb 22, 2016
#136 various compilation problems FP coding/compilation FLEXPART 9.2 beta Support pesei closed Feb 8, 2016 Feb 14, 2016
#141 Bad value during integer read. readavailable.f90 FP input data FLEXPART 9.0.2 Support pesei closed Mar 15, 2016 Aug 23, 2016
#142 GRIB_API ERROR : gridcheck: Error Key/value not found FP other FLEXPART 9.0.2 Support pesei closed Mar 16, 2016 Nov 7, 2019
#144 Producing Meteorology Data FP input data Support closed Mar 24, 2016 Mar 24, 2016
#145 meteorology data for Fukushima Accident FP input data flexpart 8.2 Support closed Mar 30, 2016 Mar 30, 2016
#147 Arbitrary shape of area source FP physics/numerics FLEXPART 9.0.1 Support closed May 12, 2016 Jun 7, 2016
#148 Can we identify source more than one? FP input data flexpart 8.2 Support pesei closed Jun 5, 2016 Jun 17, 2016
#149 Clarification on the concentration output at different levels FP physics/numerics FLEXPART 9.0.2 Support closed Jun 7, 2016 Jun 7, 2016
#150 Correct minor issues in grib2nc4 code and makefile FP other FLEXPART 9.3 Defect closed Jun 13, 2016 Aug 23, 2016
#152 Flexpart postprocess FP post-processing flexpart 8.2 Support pesei closed Jun 16, 2016 Jun 17, 2016
#153 Problem while installing flexpart FP coding/compilation FLEXPART 9.0.2 Defect pesei closed Jul 11, 2016 Jul 11, 2016
#154 Adding CTBTO-requested features to FPv9.3.1 GRIB2FLEXPART FP other FLEXPART 9.3 Task closed Aug 26, 2016 Jun 22, 2017
#155 Minor modifications in packaging of FPv9.3.1c for CTBTO use FP other FLEXPART 9.3 Task closed Aug 31, 2016 Jun 9, 2017
#161 Add a dimensions check to FPv9.3.1 when reading preprocessed files FP other FLEXPART 9.3 Enhancement closed Oct 4, 2016 Nov 11, 2016
#162 Add version information to preprocessing files in FPV9.3.1 FP other FLEXPART 9.3 Enhancement new Oct 5, 2016 Oct 5, 2016
#163 FPv9.3.1 - changes related to CTBTO environment and grib2flexpart FP other FLEXPART 9.3 Enhancement closed Oct 12, 2016 Nov 11, 2016
#167 Running test cases with FLEXPART-WRF FP input data FLEXPART-WRF Support adingwell closed Jan 31, 2017 May 17, 2017
#168 the coordinate transfo error exceeds 0.02*dx FP other FLEXPART-WRF Support adingwell reopened Mar 2, 2017 Jul 30, 2019
#170 FPv10 (2016-11-2) not working with old ECMWF GRIB1 as it was in Summer 2016 FP coding/compilation FLEXPART 10.0 Defect closed Apr 19, 2017 Jun 22, 2017
#171 Segmentation Fault Flexpart WRF 3.3 FP coding/compilation FLEXPART-WRF Defect pesei closed Apr 26, 2017 Jun 14, 2017
#172 Creating new FPv9.3.2 branch for NetCDF4 implementation of intermediate met files FP other FLEXPART 9.3 New feature closed Apr 27, 2017 Jun 22, 2017
#173 Variables "settling" and "idummy" not properly initialized in advance.f FP coding/compilation flexpart_8.2-3 Defect pesei accepted Apr 28, 2017 Apr 28, 2017
#174 BUG in FLEXPART-WRF makefile.mom FP coding/compilation FLEXPART-WRF Defect pesei closed Jun 7, 2017 Jun 12, 2017
#177 Error in installi Grib-API library FP other FLEXPART 9.0.2 Support pesei closed Jul 10, 2017 Oct 18, 2017
#178 FLEXPART-WRF crashes with segmentation fault FP coding/compilation FLEXPART-WRF Support pesei closed Aug 1, 2017 Mar 7, 2018
#179 FLEXPART-WRF installation procedure FP coding/compilation FLEXPART-WRF Support closed Aug 5, 2017 Sep 18, 2017
#180 Error in compiling MPI (instaling Flexpart-WRF) FP other FLEXPART-WRF Support pesei closed Aug 9, 2017 Mar 7, 2018
#181 netcdf output from WRF-FLEXPART FP other FLEXPART-WRF Support adingwell closed Aug 20, 2017 Sep 18, 2017
#182 Documentation of changes to FPv9.3.2 FP other FLEXPART 9.3 Task donaldjmorton closed Aug 24, 2017 Aug 24, 2017
#183 Concentration Results of Flexpart-WRF Being Equal to Zero. FP other FLEXPART-WRF Support pesei closed Aug 31, 2017 Dec 7, 2020
#184 Particle Positions from Flexpart-Wrf Output FP other FLEXPART-WRF Support pesei closed Sep 20, 2017 Oct 30, 2017
#185 MQUASILAG in backward mode FP other FLEXPART 10.0 Defect closed Nov 21, 2017 Mar 9, 2018
#186 Compile fails using gfortran due to error in erf.f90 FP other FLEXPART 9.0.2 Defect closed Dec 14, 2017 Dec 14, 2017
#187 ECMWF data retrieval software, V4.1 for 2017 data flex_extract FLEXPART 9.0.2 Support pesei closed Dec 18, 2017 Jan 17, 2019
#188 AVAILABLE file problems FP other flexpart 8.2 Support pesei closed Dec 21, 2017 Feb 9, 2018
#189 FLEXPART Release - Consistent Cs-137 isotope releases and output interpretation FP other FLEXPART 9.0.2 Support closed Feb 19, 2018 Mar 9, 2018
#192 Issue during install of FLEXPARTv9.3. FP coding/compilation FLEXPART 9.3 Support closed Apr 17, 2018 May 28, 2018
#193 Wrong date format in output filename FP coding/compilation flexpart_8.2-3 Defect pesei accepted May 7, 2018 May 8, 2018
#194 Flexpart from apt-get install FP coding/compilation FLEXPART 9.0.2 Support pesei closed May 10, 2018 May 15, 2018
#195 Help with input file and available FP other FLEXPART 9.0.2 Support closed May 15, 2018 May 15, 2018
#198 Unsorted trajectories in FLEXTRA flightmode with constant initialization time FLEXTRA Enhancement pesei accepted Jun 8, 2018 Jun 8, 2018
#200 Installation help FP coding/compilation FLEXPART-WRF Support anphi closed Aug 6, 2018 May 6, 2020
#202 Bug in flex_extract v7.0.3 public user mode flex_extract Defect anphi closed Aug 17, 2018 Jan 17, 2019
#207 Error running FLEXPART FP input data FLEXPART-WRF Support pesei closed Oct 21, 2018 Oct 28, 2018
#208 WRF specific files FP other FLEXPART-WRF Support pesei closed Oct 24, 2018 Oct 28, 2018
#210 RECEPTOR syntax error FP other FLEXPART-WRF Support pesei accepted Nov 3, 2018 Dec 20, 2018
#211 Incremental vs. cumulative deposition FP coding/compilation FLEXPART 10.0 Enhancement ignacio assigned Nov 8, 2018 Jul 16, 2020
#215 Bug in flex_extract v7.0.3 ERA5 data extraction flex_extract flex_extract_v7.0.3 Defect anphi closed Nov 26, 2018 Jan 17, 2019
#217 t not in K FP coding/compilation FLEXPART-WRF Defect new Nov 30, 2018 Nov 30, 2018
#220 Issue with NCEP GFS data after 2015-01-14 FP other FLEXPART 9.0.2 Defect new Jan 7, 2019 Jan 8, 2019
#221 Issue while running FLEXPART 9.0 with FNL 2014 and earlier years data. FP input data FLEXPART 9.0 Support pesei closed Jan 8, 2019 May 6, 2020
#223 ASCII output type UNFORMATTED FP coding/compilation FLEXPART-WRF Support pesei closed Jan 16, 2019 Mar 29, 2023
#224 on ecgate, ECCODES ERRORS : Maximum value out of range: inf flex_extract flex_extract_v7.0.4 Defect anphi closed Jan 16, 2019 Jan 17, 2019
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