Opened 6 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#211 assigned Enhancement

Incremental vs. cumulative deposition

Reported by: ahilboll Owned by: ignacio
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: FP coding/compilation Version: FLEXPART 10.0
Keywords: Cc:


There was an issue about incremental deposition (#113). However, I cannot find that code in the current dev branch. Was it left out on purpose? #113 seems to suggest that the reason for the associated changeset was to not have to backport that feature all the time.

While talking about deposition, it would be good if the netCDF attributes of the deposition variables could reflect that they contain either cumulative or incremental deposition. One could use the long_name attribute and set it to cumulative wet/dry deposition or incremental wet/dry deposition.

Also, I would argue that in the case of incremental deposition, the units should be adapted to kg m-2 timestep-1 (whatever timestep is in that case).

I'd be happy to prepare a patch for adding the long_name attribute. Implementing (or back-porting) incremental deposition is probably better done by someone who knows the code properly.

Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed 6 years ago by pesei

  • Owner set to igpis
  • Status changed from new to assigned

I assign this ticket to Ignacio who is responsible for v10 integration.

comment:2 Changed 6 years ago by pesei

  • Owner changed from igpis to ignacio

comment:3 Changed 4 years ago by pesei

  • Component changed from FP other to FP coding/compilation
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