Opened 8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#149 closed Support (invalid)

Clarification on the concentration output at different levels

Reported by: tjaya Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: FP physics/numerics Version: FLEXPART 9.0.2
Keywords: Cc: prajesh.thever@…


We are using FLEXPART for forward model run and obtaining concentrations at 3 different levels. There are few basic doubts for which we need some clarifications.

  1. Whether the concentrations that we get in output are column integrated or at a particular height only?
  2. If it is at a particular height only, what is the band of height within which the concentrations have been given?
  3. And if it is column integrated, at the second level output, is the average along the column from the earth's surface or from the previous height/level.
  4. Is there any restriction on the lowest height level at which the output can be obtained or to what minimum height would the simulations give us reliable concentration

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 8 years ago by pesei

  • Resolution set to invalid
  • Status changed from new to closed

You have already asked this in the FLEXPART discussion list, and I have answered it. Why do you repeat it here again? If you still have questions, then please continue the thread in the discussion list.

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