Custom Query (210 matches)


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Results (101 - 200 of 210)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#190 NetCDF: Start+count exceeds dimension bound Support minor FLEXPART_WRF_3.4_FPbase_9 FP other
#260 Names of species for Version 10.3 pesei Support trivial FP input data
#24 Namelist option for input files ignacio Enhancement major FLEXPART 9.2 FP coding/compilation
#155 Minor modifications in packaging of FPv9.3.1c for CTBTO use Task minor FP other
#58 Memory leak in netcdf ouput routine jbrioude Defect minor FLEXPART_WRF_3.2_FPbase_9 FP other
#125 Makefile for Flexpart-wrf somebody Support major FP coding/compilation
#185 MQUASILAG in backward mode Defect major FP other
#159 MPI Compilation adingwell Defect major FLEXPART_WRF_3.4_FPbase_9 FP coding/compilation
#285 MARS request for ERA5 surface flux data returns "No data is available" error anphi Support major flex_extract_v7.1.3 flex_extract
#9 Issues with getting the correct data from ECMWF server leohaim Support major FP input data
#72 Issues while compiling FLEXTRA pesei Support major FLEXTRA
#257 Issue with warm start Support major FLEXPART 10 FP other
#221 Issue while running FLEXPART 9.0 with FNL 2014 and earlier years data. pesei Support major FP input data
#192 Issue during install of FLEXPARTv9.3. Support major FP coding/compilation
#261 Installation of flex_extract v7.1 anphi Defect minor FP input data
#251 Installation issue with Flex_extract_v7.0.4 anphi Support major flex_extract v7.0.4 FP other
#201 Installation issue Support major FLEXPART_WRF_3.4_FPbase_9 FP other
#200 Installation help anphi Support major FP coding/compilation
#288 Installation and examples for flexpart-wrf v.3.3.2 ignacio Support major FP other
#197 Inconsistent use of ew in verttransform pesei Defect major FLEXPART 10 FP coding/compilation
#290 How can i get trajectory output from FLEXPART 10.4 Support major FP other
#195 Help with input file and available Support major FP other
#219 Gridcheck error message pesei Support minor FLEXPART 9.2 FP input data
#291 GRIB_API ERROR: grib_get: centre Invalid grib id with NCEP_FNL data Support major FP input data
#142 GRIB_API ERROR : gridcheck: Error Key/value not found pesei Support major FP other
#99 Flexpart-WRF v3.1 OMP jbrioude Support minor FP other
#112 Flexpart-WRF instaltion issues somebody Support major FP coding/compilation
#100 Flexpart-WRF grid_flux Output somebody Support minor FP post-processing
#156 Flexpart-WRF 3.3, new parameter in readinput.f90 adingwell Defect minor FLEXPART_WRF_3.3_FPbase_9 FP other
#157 Flexpart-WRF 3.3 forces verbose setting adingwell Defect minor FLEXPART_WRF_3.3_FPbase_9 FP coding/compilation
#152 Flexpart postprocess pesei Support minor FP post-processing
#194 Flexpart from apt-get install pesei Support major FP coding/compilation
#303 Flexpart V10.4 example contained in Pisso et al. (2019) fails Support blocker FP coding/compilation
#253 Flex_Extract MARS request failed anphi Support major flex_extract
#83 FlexWRF runtime error jbrioude Support minor FP input data
#163 FPv9.3.1 - changes related to CTBTO environment and grib2flexpart Enhancement minor FP other
#170 FPv10 (2016-11-2) not working with old ECMWF GRIB1 as it was in Summer 2016 Defect major FP coding/compilation
#103 FLEXWRFV3.1 runtime probIems (about IOUTPUTFOREACHREL and NAGECLASS) jbrioude Defect minor FP other
#96 FLEXWRF3.1 output in lat/lon grid jbrioude Support minor FP input data
#97 FLEXWRF3.1 compiling issue with netcdf4.3.2 jbrioude Defect major FP coding/compilation
#104 FLEXPART-WRF v3.2, beta version jbrioude New feature major FLEXPART_WRF_3.2_FPbase_9 FP coding/compilation
#116 FLEXPART-WRF v3.2 runtime segmentation fault jbrioude Defect major FLEXPART_WRF_3.2_FPbase_9 FP other
#53 FLEXPART-WRF v3.1 somebody New feature major FP other
#240 FLEXPART-WRF particle height does not change for 16 hours pesei Support major FLEXPART_WRF_3.4_FPbase_9 FP other
#179 FLEXPART-WRF installation procedure Support minor FP coding/compilation
#178 FLEXPART-WRF crashes with segmentation fault pesei Support major FP coding/compilation
#135 FLEXPART output in NETCDF format Support minor FLEXPART 9.2 FP post-processing
#258 FLEXPART WRF Output Format pesei Support major FP post-processing
#189 FLEXPART Release - Consistent Cs-137 isotope releases and output interpretation Support major FP other
#71 FLEXPART NetCDF output hasod Support major FP post-processing
#47 FLEXPART Logo admin Task minor FP other
#264 FIX: Update makefile for ECMWF server in flex_extract v7.1 pesei Task major flex_extract_v7.1.1 flex_extract
#262 FIX: Makefile naming in flex_extract v7.1 in documentation anphi Task major flex_extract_v7.1.1 flex_extract
#263 FIX: Change installation check for flex_extract's v7.1 gateway and destination parameter anphi Task major flex_extract_v7.1.1 flex_extract
#265 FIX: Change fortran executable name in documentation of flex_extract v7.1 anphi Task major flex_extract_v7.1.1 flex_extract
#250 Error: input file needs to contain GRiB1 formattedmessages pesei Support major FP input data
#132 Error while installation flexwrf3.2 with GNU for OPENMP parallel run Support major FP coding/compilation
#133 Error while installation flexwrf3.2 with GNU for OPENMP parallel run Support major FP coding/compilation
#131 Error when compiling the flexwrf3.2 with GNU for OPENMP parallel run jbrioude Support major FP coding/compilation
#207 Error running FLEXPART pesei Support minor FP input data
#127 Error loading shared libraries pesei Support major FP other
#177 Error in installi Grib-API library pesei Support major FP other
#180 Error in compiling MPI (instaling Flexpart-WRF) pesei Support major FP other
#87 Erase unused IntroFlex page admin Defect major System aspects
#86 Erase unused InstallHint page admin Defect major System aspects
#91 Erase unused FlexpartLiteratur admin Defect major System aspects
#90 Erase unused FlexpartGpl admin Defect major System aspects
#89 Erase unused FlexWrf page admin Defect major System aspects
#88 Erase unused FlexTra Page admin Defect major System aspects
#92 Erase empty page TestFiles admin Defect major System aspects
#230 ERA5 retrieval with ECMWF Web API is deprecated; new CDS API is needed anphi New feature major flex_extract_v7.1.2 flex_extract
#42 ECMWF pre-processor too heavy anphi Enhancement major FP input data
#187 ECMWF data retrieval software, V4.1 for 2017 data pesei Support critical flex_extract
#300 ECCODES ERROR : get: pv Passed array is too small anphi Defect major flex_extract
#66 Downloads, mistakes in description admin Defect minor System aspects
#182 Documentation of changes to FPv9.3.2 donaldjmorton Task minor FP other
#218 Date error pesei Support minor FLEXPART 9.2 FP input data
#172 Creating new FPv9.3.2 branch for NetCDF4 implementation of intermediate met files New feature major FP other
#150 Correct minor issues in grib2nc4 code and makefile Defect minor FP other
#45 Consolidation of various code changes ignacio Task major FLEXPART 9.2 FP coding/compilation
#183 Concentration Results of Flexpart-WRF Being Equal to Zero. pesei Support minor FP other
#186 Compile fails using gfortran due to error in erf.f90 Defect major FP other
#246 Compilation error with Intel Fortran ignacio Defect major FLEXPART 10 System aspects
#23 Coding standards ansto Task major FP coding/compilation
#149 Clarification on the concentration output at different levels Support major FP physics/numerics
#268 Cant understand the variables in the trajectory.txt file pesei Support major FP post-processing
#148 Can we identify source more than one? pesei Support trivial FP input data
#202 Bug in flex_extract v7.0.3 public user mode anphi Defect critical flex_extract
#212 Bug in flex_extract v7.0.3 Fortran program "CONVERT2" anphi Defect critical flex_extract_v7.1 flex_extract
#215 Bug in flex_extract v7.0.3 ERA5 data extraction anphi Defect blocker flex_extract
#329 Bias of footprint dependant on particle number Defect critical FP other
#141 Bad value during integer read. readavailable.f90 pesei Support major FP input data
#320 Backward trajectory of PM Support major FP input data
#35 Backward mode for deposition saeck New feature minor FLEXPART 10 FP input data
#174 BUG in FLEXPART-WRF pesei Defect major FP coding/compilation
#319 Available file pesei Support major FP other
#147 Arbitrary shape of area source Support minor FP physics/numerics
#19 Additional permissions for developers for WIKI admin Task major System aspects
#18 Additional permissions for developers for TICKET admin Task minor System aspects
#17 Additional permissions for developers for ROADMAP admin Task major System aspects
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