{6} All Tickets (including closed) (345 matches)

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Results (1 - 100 of 345)

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Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified Reporter
#346 flex_extract_v7.1.3 flex_extract new none Support major Jun 21, 2024 rcesari
#345 flex_extract_v7.1.3 flex_extract new none Support major Jun 21, 2024 rcesari
#344 how to calculate daily P from 3-hr ERA5 data FP other assigned flex_extract_v7.1.2 Support major anphi Jun 11, 2024 xu_ru
#343 flex_extract: TypeError: an integer is required FP other new flex_extract_v7.1.2 Defect major Feb 2, 2024 fcheng
#342 the cdo sinfo time of ERA5 is strange FP other new flex_extract_v7.1.2 Defect major Nov 28, 2023 xu_ru
#341 Test FP other closed fixed FLEXPART 9.0.2 Defect major Jul 5, 2023 admin
#340 Deposition and particle reflection FP coding/compilation new FLEXPART-WRF Support blocker Jun 21, 2023 jmanobianco
#339 Segmentation fault FP other new flex_extract_v7.1.2 Defect major Jun 15, 2023 amanda
#338 FLEXPART failing on eccodes v2.30.0 FP other new FLEXPART 10.4 Defect major Jun 12, 2023 tcarion
#337 flex_extract7.1.2 download ERA5 (20220701-20220705) parameter 77 (etadoc) is missing flex_extract new flex_extract_v7.1.2 Support major Jun 6, 2023 xu_ru
#336 ERA5 flux data scaling at >1h temporal resolution flex_extract new flex_extract_v7.1.2 Support minor Sep 21, 2023 terhardt
#335 No data is available for ERA5 in Oct 2018 flex_extract new flex_extract_v7.1.2 Support major Feb 2, 2024 fcheng
#334 Error when downloading 2023 ERA5 data with dev branch of flex_extract flex_extract new Defect major Jun 8, 2023 jpianezze
#333 CDS download for ERA5 sdor,cvh,cvl,fsor sometimes fails flex_extract accepted flex_extract_v7.1.2 Defect major anphi Apr 3, 2023 terhardt
#332 Warning: "TOO COARSE LONGITUDE RESOLUTION" FP other closed fixed flex_extract_v7.1.2 Support major pesei Mar 29, 2023 fcheng
#331 problem with importing eccodes library in flex_extract_v7.1.3 flex_extract closed fixed flex_extract_v7.1 Support major Mar 9, 2023 gance
#330 error in flex_extract-7.1.3 flex_extract accepted flex_extract_v7.1.2 Defect major anphi Mar 30, 2023 gtong
#329 Bias of footprint dependant on particle number FP other closed fixed FLEXPART-WRF Defect critical Jun 21, 2023 cluekenwinkels
#328 GRIB2 CONVERSION FAILED! error in flex_extract flex_extract accepted flex_extract_v7.1.2 Defect major anphi Apr 3, 2023 sannadate
#327 Incorrect output in header for variable ReleaseZstart_end FP other new FLEXPART-WRF Defect minor Feb 14, 2023 cluekenwinkels
#326 error: STOP READWIND: NUVZ NOT CONSISTENT FP other new FLEXPART 10.4 Defect minor Feb 2, 2023 hshen
#325 Flexpart v10.4 test cases run FP input data new FLEXPART 10.4 Enhancement minor Jan 31, 2023 myoshimura
#324 flex_extract on Atos HPCF (ECMWF) in Bologna flex_extract closed fixed flex_extract_v7.1.2 Support major pesei Dec 1, 2022 rcesari
#323 Wrong scaling of snow depth and convective precip when reading ECMWF input in GRIB2 FP input data new FLEXPART 10.4 Defect major Nov 4, 2022 pirmink
#322 Problem with backward simulation FP coding/compilation new FLEXPART-WRF Support major Oct 7, 2022 dmantsis
#321 UNKNOWN METDATA FORMAT error while using NCEP data FP other new FLEXPART 10.4 Defect major Oct 18, 2022 sannadate
#320 Backward trajectory of PM FP input data closed fixed FLEXPART 9.0.2 Support major Aug 26, 2022 ashalsabila
#319 Available file FP other closed fixed FLEXPART 9.0.2 Support major pesei Aug 25, 2022 ashalsabila
#318 reading receptor output FP post-processing accepted FLEXPART 10.4 New feature major pesei Jul 18, 2022 tcarion
#317 Correct OH reaction coefficients for SO2, CO FP other new FLEXPART 10.4 Enhancement minor Jun 17, 2022 hcpxvi
#316 Post-processing issue: Negative deposition values FP physics/numerics new FLEXPART 10.4 Defect major Mar 15, 2022 jshafer
#315 flex_extract templates with reduced level number flex_extract accepted flex_extract_v7.1.2 New feature minor anphi Apr 3, 2023 pesei
#314 Update mkAVAIL.py and grib_domain.py FP other closed fixed none Task major pesei Feb 1, 2022 pesei
#313 No flux file for the second member with ENDA ERA5 data flex_extract accepted flex_extract_v7.1.2 Defect minor anphi Apr 3, 2023 tcarion
#312 EMOSLIB to disappear on new HPC in Bologna flex_extract accepted Task major anphi Feb 10, 2022 pesei
#311 flex_extract 7.1.2 local extraction no flux data flex_extract accepted FLEXPART 10.4 Defect major anphi Apr 3, 2023 vratolis
#310 EMPTY LINES in the AVAILABLE file FP other new FLEXPART 10.4 Defect trivial Dec 17, 2021 tcarion
#309 something wrong Matlab read the output "header" from FLEXPART10.4 FP post-processing new FLEXPART 10.4 Defect major Nov 19, 2021 zhangxun
#308 FLEXPART-WRF: Sorry t not in [K] FP other new FLEXPART 9.0.2 Defect major Sep 7, 2021 lioannidis
#307 Flexpart-WRF crashes due to array boundary violation in outgrid_init_reg.f90 FP coding/compilation accepted FLEXPART-WRF Defect major pesei Mar 29, 2023 srakesh
#306 FLEXPART_MPI does not work properly with mquasilag=1 FP coding/compilation assigned FLEXPART 10.4 Enhancement major espen Aug 6, 2021 espen
#305 FLEXTRA fails with NCEP GFS data after 2021-03-22 FLEXTRA accepted FLEXTRA 5 Defect critical pesei Feb 2, 2023 hcpxvi
#304 INSTALLDIR not passed to the installation flex_extract accepted flex_extract_v7.1 Defect minor anphi Jul 21, 2021 jkeune
#303 Flexpart V10.4 example contained in Pisso et al. (2019) fails FP coding/compilation closed duplicate FLEXPART 10.4 Support blocker Jan 24, 2022 msalter
#302 Create flex_extract_precip flex_extract accepted flex_extract_v7.1 New feature major anphi Jul 21, 2021 pesei
#301 Bug in flex_extract due to python3 upgrade at ECMWF ecgate env flex_extract accepted flex_extract_v7.1 Defect major anphi Feb 9, 2022 anphi
#300 ECCODES ERROR : get: pv Passed array is too small flex_extract closed worksforme flex_extract_v7.1 Defect major anphi Jan 16, 2022 omid.nabavy
#299 Synchronised FPv9.3.2 with current CTBTO version FP other closed FLEXPART 9.3 New feature minor Apr 27, 2021 donaldjmorton
#298 Running preprocessing with previously loaded grib files flex_extract accepted flex_extract_v7.1 Support minor anphi Apr 3, 2023 tcarion
#297 gridcheck_ecmwf.f90: fix of small bug and improvements FP coding/compilation accepted FLEXPART 10.4 Defect critical anphi Feb 7, 2023 anphi
#296 Compiling fails on Mac OS 10.15 with "unable to execute command: Illegal instruction" error FP coding/compilation accepted FLEXPART 10.4 Defect major mduetsch May 12, 2021 craymond
#295 New interpolation scheme for precipitation FP physics/numerics accepted FLEXPART 10.4 New feature major anphi Jan 10, 2021 pesei
#294 domain filling runs output for each release is forbidden FP input data new FLEXPART 10.4 Support major Jan 12, 2021 xu_ru
#293 FLEXPART-WRF takes wrong OUTGRID information FP other new FLEXPART-WRF Defect major Jan 7, 2021 srakesh
#292 Problem reading TKE_PBL - Flexpart-WRF FP input data new FLEXPART-WRF Support major Apr 17, 2023 bpoline
#291 GRIB_API ERROR: grib_get: centre Invalid grib id with NCEP_FNL data FP input data closed fixed FLEXPART 10.4 Support major Jan 7, 2021 xu_ru
#290 How can i get trajectory output from FLEXPART 10.4 FP other closed fixed FLEXPART 9.0.2 Support major Dec 17, 2020 xu_ru
#289 Why the output file is rectangle (the extent is same as the release box) FP other closed fixed FLEXPART 10.4 Support major pesei Dec 13, 2020 xu_ru
#288 Installation and examples for flexpart-wrf v.3.3.2 FP other closed fixed FLEXPART-WRF Support major ignacio Feb 8, 2021 fkleinert
#287 Suddenly ECMWF files have a GRIB2 message with shortName=unknown FP input data closed fixed flex_extract_v7.1 Defect major anphi Dec 1, 2020 anphi
#286 Bug for local public ERA5 data / flex_extract v7.1.2 flex_extract accepted flex_extract_v7.1 Defect minor anphi Feb 9, 2022 anphi
#285 MARS request for ERA5 surface flux data returns "No data is available" error flex_extract closed fixed flex_extract_v7.1 Support major anphi Jul 21, 2021 fcheng
#284 Strange big bouncing of particles when hitting ground FP other closed fixed FLEXPART 10.4 Support major pesei Mar 7, 2021 fcheng
#283 eccodes error when using ERA5 data as Flexpart's input FP coding/compilation closed fixed FLEXPART 10.4 Support minor Sep 22, 2023 fcheng
#282 Eliminate code duplications FP other new FLEXPART 10.4 Enhancement major Aug 21, 2020 pesei
#281 problem with caldate FP other accepted FLEXPART 10.4 Enhancement major pesei Nov 11, 2020 pesei
#280 Trajectory time 240000 instead of 000000 next day FLEXTRA accepted FLEXTRA 5 Enhancement minor pesei Jul 27, 2020 hcpxvi
#279 "Too many grid points" FP other closed invalid FLEXPART 9.0.2 Support major Dec 16, 2020 stiwari
#278 Receptor output - missing features FP physics/numerics new FLEXPART 10.4 Enhancement major Jul 13, 2020 pesei
#277 trouble understanding init_domainfill.f90 FP coding/compilation closed fixed FLEXPART 10.4 Support minor Jul 16, 2020 nehstand
#276 Problems creating NetCDf output with many output levels FP coding/compilation accepted FLEXPART 10.4 Defect minor ignacio Jun 25, 2020 rrigby
#275 FLEXTRA not compilable against eccodes FLEXTRA accepted FLEXTRA 5 Enhancement major pesei Aug 5, 2020 hcpxvi
#274 Non-ascii characters in FLEXTRA output FLEXTRA accepted FLEXTRA 5 Defect minor pesei Jun 16, 2020 hcpxvi
#273 Point source emission with temporal variation FP input data closed fixed FLEXPART-WRF Support minor pesei Mar 29, 2023 rabida
#272 particle release on a grid FP input data closed fixed FLEXPART 10.4 Support minor pesei Jul 16, 2020 nehstand
#271 SFC_OPTION = 1 not working FP input data accepted FLEXPART-WRF Support minor pesei Mar 29, 2023 srakesh
#270 readreceptors.f90: bug in namelist version FP coding/compilation accepted FLEXPART 10.4 Defect major pesei Mar 30, 2023 pesei
#269 Compilation without netCDF not properly implemented, grib_api -> eccodes FP coding/compilation accepted FLEXPART 10.4 Defect major pesei Mar 29, 2023 pesei
#268 Cant understand the variables in the trajectory.txt file FP post-processing closed fixed FLEXPART-WRF Support major pesei Jun 5, 2020 sprasad
#267 setting up flexpartwrf for radionuclide dispersion at meso-scale FP input data closed fixed FLEXPART-WRF Support minor pesei Jul 16, 2020 rabida
#266 FIX: Remove flex_extract v7.1 from ECMWF server before new installation flex_extract accepted flex_extract_v7.1 Task minor anphi Jul 21, 2021 anphi
#265 FIX: Change fortran executable name in documentation of flex_extract v7.1 flex_extract closed fixed flex_extract_v7.1 Task major anphi Apr 1, 2020 anphi
#264 FIX: Update makefile for ECMWF server in flex_extract v7.1 flex_extract closed fixed flex_extract_v7.1 Task major pesei Mar 8, 2020 anphi
#263 FIX: Change installation check for flex_extract's v7.1 gateway and destination parameter flex_extract closed fixed flex_extract_v7.1 Task major anphi Mar 8, 2020 anphi
#262 FIX: Makefile naming in flex_extract v7.1 in documentation flex_extract closed fixed flex_extract_v7.1 Task major anphi Apr 1, 2020 anphi
#261 Installation of flex_extract v7.1 FP input data closed fixed flex_extract_v7.1 Defect minor anphi Feb 28, 2020 ebilgic
#260 Names of species for Version 10.3 FP input data closed fixed FLEXPART 10.3 Support trivial pesei Mar 8, 2020 tjaya
#259 did not getting the proper output file FP other closed duplicate FLEXPART-WRF Support major Mar 6, 2020 sprasad
#258 FLEXPART WRF Output Format FP post-processing closed fixed FLEXPART-WRF Support major pesei Feb 21, 2020 sprasad
#257 Issue with warm start FP other closed duplicate FLEXPART 10.4 Support major Jul 16, 2020 nehstand
#256 About stratospheric ozone tracer FP coding/compilation closed fixed FLEXPART 9.0.2 Support major pesei Mar 8, 2020 prajjwal
#255 Using GFS 0.25deg Data FP input data closed duplicate FLEXPART 9.0.3 Support major Nov 6, 2019 mradenz
#254 Segmentation Fault at first step in version 10.4 FP coding/compilation closed fixed FLEXPART 10.4 Support major pesei Jul 16, 2020 mradenz
#253 Flex_Extract MARS request failed flex_extract closed wontfix flex_extract_v7.0.4 Support major anphi Feb 28, 2020 nanditha
#252 FLEXPART-WRF crashes for array bound mismatch FP coding/compilation new FLEXPART-WRF Defect major Jun 5, 2020 harish
#251 Installation issue with Flex_extract_v7.0.4 FP other closed fixed flex_extract_v7.0.4 Support major anphi Feb 27, 2020 nanditha
#250 Error: input file needs to contain GRiB1 formattedmessages FP input data closed fixed FLEXPART 9.0 Support major pesei Nov 8, 2019 nanditha
#249 related to making FLEXPART V 10.3 FP coding/compilation closed worksforme FLEXPART 10.3 Defect major pesei Jul 16, 2020 sdwivedi
#248 Inconsistency between Pisso et al paper and model behavior FP other accepted FLEXPART 10.3 Defect major saeck Sep 19, 2019 ahilboll
#247 allow for using WRF output with lakes FP other new FLEXPART-WRF Defect major Sep 5, 2019 ahilboll
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