Opened 18 months ago

#327 new Defect

Incorrect output in header for variable ReleaseZstart_end

Reported by: cluekenwinkels Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: FP other Version: FLEXPART-WRF
Keywords: Cc:


I use FLEXPART-WRF in backward mode.
I used releases that have different values for ZPOINT1 and ZPOINT2. In the however, both are saved to be the same value (both the value of ZPOINT1).
To be sure that it is no problem with my input file, I tested the same configuration with equal values for ZPOINT1 and ZPOINT2 as they got saved to the header file. The results where different, so I recon the simulation runs correctly but the information of ZPOINT2 is not correctly saved into the header file.

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