Opened 3 years ago

#309 new Defect

something wrong Matlab read the output "header" from FLEXPART10.4

Reported by: zhangxun Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: FLEXPART 10
Component: FP post-processing Version: FLEXPART 10.4
Keywords: header Cc:


After finished the backward run from FLEXPART 10.4,I used this code from:
Matlab functions to read FLEXPART gridded output and concentrations (S. Eckhardt, H. Sodemann, S. Raja)''',the function:
flex_header.m to read the header file. My code as followed:


%% beginning
clear all;
pathname = 'C:\Users\dell\Desktop\matlab4FLEXPART\';
% anonymous helper function to skip some bytes
skip = @(fid) fread(fid,2,'int32');

readp=1; % default: do not read release points
fhd=fopen([header.path 'header']);
%fprintf('\nreading header');
% default settings

  % start reading if header was opened
if fhd~=-1
  header.simulationstart=datenum([num2str(header.ibdate)  num2str(header.ibtime,'%06d')],'yyyymmddhhMMss');

Here is my COMMAND file

*                                                                                                             *
*      Input file for the Lagrangian particle dispersion model FLEXPART                                       *
*                           Please select your options                                                        *
*                                                                                                             *
 LDIRECT=              -1, ! Simulation direction in time   ; 1 (forward) or -1 (backward)
 IBDATE=         20120101, ! Start date of the simulation   ; YYYYMMDD: YYYY=year, MM=month, DD=day
 IBTIME=           000000, ! Start time of the simulation   ; HHMISS: HH=hours, MI=min, SS=sec; UTC
 IEDATE=         20120101, ! End date of the simulation     ; same format as IBDATE
 IETIME=           230000, ! End  time of the simulation    ; same format as IBTIME
 LOUTSTEP=           3600, ! Interval of model output; average concentrations calculated every LOUTSTEP (s)
 LOUTAVER=           3600, ! Interval of output averaging (s)
 LOUTSAMPLE=          900, ! Interval of output sampling  (s), higher stat. accuracy with shorter intervals
 ITSPLIT=        99999999, ! Interval of particle splitting (s)
 LSYNCTIME=           900, ! All processes are synchronized to this time interval (s)
 CTL=          -5.0000000, ! CTL>1, ABL time step = (Lagrangian timescale (TL))/CTL, uses LSYNCTIME if CTL<0
 IFINE=                 4, ! Reduction for time step in vertical transport, used only if CTL>1
 IOUT=                  5, ! Output type: [1]mass 2]pptv 3]1&2 4]plume 5]1&4, +8 for NetCDF output
 IPOUT=                 1, ! Particle position output: 0]no 1]every output 2]only at end 3]time averaged
 LSUBGRID=              1, ! Increase of ABL heights due to sub-grid scale orographic variations;[0]off 1]on
 LCONVECTION=           1, ! Switch for convection parameterization;0]off [1]on
 LAGESPECTRA=           0, ! Switch for calculation of age spectra (needs AGECLASSES);[0]off 1]on
 IPIN=                  0, ! Warm start from particle dump (needs previous partposit_end file); [0]no 1]yes
 IOUTPUTFOREACHRELEASE= 1, ! Separate output fields for each location in the RELEASE file; [0]no 1]yes
 IFLUX=                 0, ! Output of mass fluxes through output grid box boundaries
 MDOMAINFILL=           0, ! Switch for domain-filling, if limited-area particles generated at boundary
 IND_SOURCE=            2, ! Unit to be used at the source   ;  [1]mass 2]mass mixing ratio
 IND_RECEPTOR=          2, ! Unit to be used at the receptor; [1]mass 2]mass mixing ratio 3]wet depo. 4]dry depo.
 MQUASILAG=             0, ! Quasi-Lagrangian mode to track individual numbered particles
 NESTED_OUTPUT=         0, ! Output also for a nested domain
 LINIT_COND=            0, ! Output sensitivity to initial conditions (bkw mode only) [0]off 1]conc 2]mmr
 SURF_ONLY=             0, ! Output only for the lowest model layer, used w/ LINIT_COND=1 or 2
 CBLFLAG=               0, ! Skewed, not Gaussian turbulence in the convective ABL, need large CTL and IFINE
 OHFIELDS_PATH= "../../flexin/", ! Default path for OH file

Here is my RELEASE file

*                                                                                                             *
*                                                                                                             *
*                                                                                                             *
*   Input file for the Lagrangian particle dispersion model FLEXPART                                          *
*                        Please select your options                                                           *
*                                                                                                             *
*                                                                                                             *
*                                                                                                             *
 NSPEC      =           1, ! Total number of species
 SPECNUM_REL=          22, ! Species numbers in directory SPECIES
&RELEASE                   ! For each release
 IDATE1  =       20120101, ! Release start date, YYYYMMDD: YYYY=year, MM=month, DD=day
 ITIME1  =         000000, ! Release start time in UTC HHMISS: HH hours, MI=minutes, SS=seconds
 IDATE2  =       20120101, ! Release end date, same as IDATE1
 ITIME2  =         230000, ! Release end time, same as ITIME1
 LON1    =        126.542, ! Left longitude of release box -180 < LON1 <180
 LON2    =        126.542, ! Right longitude of release box, same as LON1
 LAT1    =         45.755, ! Lower latitude of release box, -90 < LAT1 < 90
 LAT2    =         45.755, ! Upper latitude of release box same format as LAT1
 Z1      =              0, ! Lower height of release box meters/hPa above reference level
 Z2      =         50.000, ! Upper height of release box meters/hPa above reference level
 ZKIND   =              1, ! Reference level 1=above ground, 2=above sea level, 3 for pressure in hPa
 MASS    =       1.0000E0, ! Total mass emitted, only relevant for fwd simulations
 PARTS   =          10000, ! Total number of particles to be released
 COMMENT =    "RELEASE 1", ! Comment, written in the outputfile
&RELEASE                   ! For each release
 IDATE1  =       20120101, ! Release start date, YYYYMMDD: YYYY=year, MM=month, DD=day
 ITIME1  =         000000, ! Release start time in UTC HHMISS: HH hours, MI=minutes, SS=seconds
 IDATE2  =       20120101, ! Release end date, same as IDATE1
 ITIME2  =         230000, ! Release end time, same as ITIME1
 LON1    =        126.561, ! Left longitude of release box -180 < LON1 <180
 LON2    =        126.561, ! Right longitude of release box, same as LON1
 LAT1    =        45.8167, ! Lower latitude of release box, -90 < LAT1 < 90
 LAT2    =        45.8167, ! Upper latitude of release box same format as LAT1
 Z1      =              0, ! Lower height of release box meters/hPa above reference level
 Z2      =         50.000, ! Upper height of release box meters/hPa above reference level
 ZKIND   =              1, ! Reference level 1=above ground, 2=above sea level, 3 for pressure in hPa
 MASS    =       1.0000E0, ! Total mass emitted, only relevant for fwd simulations
 PARTS   =          10000, ! Total number of particles to be released
 COMMENT =    "RELEASE 2", ! Comment, written in the outputfile
&RELEASE                   ! For each release
 IDATE1  =       20120101, ! Release start date, YYYYMMDD: YYYY=year, MM=month, DD=day
 ITIME1  =         000000, ! Release start time in UTC HHMISS: HH hours, MI=minutes, SS=seconds
 IDATE2  =       20120101, ! Release end date, same as IDATE1
 ITIME2  =         230000, ! Release end time, same as ITIME1
 LON1    =        126.979, ! Left longitude of release box -180 < LON1 <180
 LON2    =        126.979, ! Right longitude of release box, same as LON1
 LAT1    =        45.5422, ! Lower latitude of release box, -90 < LAT1 < 90
 LAT2    =        45.5422, ! Upper latitude of release box same format as LAT1
 Z1      =              0, ! Lower height of release box meters/hPa above reference level
 Z2      =         50.000, ! Upper height of release box meters/hPa above reference level
 ZKIND   =              1, ! Reference level 1=above ground, 2=above sea level, 3 for pressure in hPa
 MASS    =       1.0000E0, ! Total mass emitted, only relevant for fwd simulations
 PARTS   =          10000, ! Total number of particles to be released
 COMMENT =    "RELEASE 3", ! Comment, written in the outputfile

Here is my header_txt file

 # ibdate,ibtime, iedate, ietime, flexversion
    20120101           0    20120101      230000 Version 10.4 (2019-11-12)
 # interval, averaging time, sampling time
       -3600       -3600        -900
 # information on grid setup    
   110.000000       40.0000000             200         200  0.100000001      0.100000001    
 # numzgrid, outheight(.) 
           5   10.0000000       100.000000       500.000000       1000.00000       2000.00000    
 # jjjjmmdd,ihmmss
    20120101      230000
 # information on species
 # 3*nspec,maxpointspec_act
           3           3
 # for nspec:
 # 1, WD_ 
 # 1, DD_ 
 # numzgrid,species
           1 WD_CO     
           1 DD_CO     
           5 CO        
 # information on model switches
 # method,lsubgrid,lconvection, ind_source,ind_receptor
           0           1           1           2           2
 # information on age class     
           1   999999999

Actually, after Matlab read this header file,
header.loutstep should be "-3600", but the header strcture in matlab:
header.loutstep = 691155245.

header.loutaver should be "-3600", but the header strcture in matlab:
header.loutaver = 538976288

header.loutsample should be "-900", but the header strcture in matlab:
header.loutsample = 538976288

header.outlon0 shoule be "110.0000", but the header strcture is matlab:
header.outlon0 = 1.3563e-19.

What's more, header.outlat0, header.numxgrid, header.numygrid, header.dxout,
header.dyout ... the values are wrong!!!

header.jjjjmmdd, header.hhmmss, header.nspec, header.numpointspec in matlab
structure is NULL.

I wonder where is wrong when I used the matlab code read the header file values???

Attachments (6)

dates (345 bytes) - added by zhangxun 3 years ago.
dates file
header (158.8 KB) - added by zhangxun 3 years ago.
header files
header_txt (959 bytes) - added by zhangxun 3 years ago.
header_txt file
header_txt_releases (858 bytes) - added by zhangxun 3 years ago.
matlba.png (40.3 KB) - added by zhangxun 3 years ago.
matlab structure scratch
my_flex_read_header.m (1.5 KB) - added by zhangxun 3 years ago.
my flex_read_header.m code

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (6)

Changed 3 years ago by zhangxun

dates file

Changed 3 years ago by zhangxun

header files

Changed 3 years ago by zhangxun

header_txt file

Changed 3 years ago by zhangxun


Changed 3 years ago by zhangxun

matlab structure scratch

Changed 3 years ago by zhangxun

my flex_read_header.m code

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