Custom Query (165 matches)


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Results (101 - 165 of 165)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#40 netCDF output hasod New feature major FLEXPART 9.2 FP post-processing
#53 FLEXPART-WRF v3.1 somebody New feature major FP other
#104 FLEXPART-WRF v3.2, beta version jbrioude New feature major FLEXPART_WRF_3.2_FPbase_9 FP coding/compilation
#130 flex_extract (was: ECMWFDATA) 7.0 test version leohaim New feature major flex_extract
#172 Creating new FPv9.3.2 branch for NetCDF4 implementation of intermediate met files New feature major FP other
#230 ERA5 retrieval with ECMWF Web API is deprecated; new CDS API is needed anphi New feature major flex_extract_v7.1.2 flex_extract
#2 Open Ticket system to all FLEXPART EU users admin Enhancement critical System aspects
#3 Open Wiki to all registered users pesei Enhancement major System aspects
#6 Permissions for developers admin Enhancement major System aspects
#7 Permissions for users admin Enhancement major System aspects
#8 Permissions for everyone admin Enhancement major System aspects
#13 check for / in pathnames somebody Enhancement minor FP other
#22 dates file updated before end of execution ignacio Enhancement trivial FP coding/compilation
#24 Namelist option for input files ignacio Enhancement major FLEXPART 9.2 FP coding/compilation
#32 Wet deposition: use of cloud water fields anphi Enhancement minor FLEXPART 10 FP physics/numerics
#41 header file in ASCII ignacio Enhancement major FLEXPART 9.2 FP coding/compilation
#73 Version FLEXTRA required admin Enhancement major System aspects
#146 Please tag released versions in Git igpis Enhancement major System aspects
#161 Add a dimensions check to FPv9.3.1 when reading preprocessed files Enhancement minor FP other
#163 FPv9.3.1 - changes related to CTBTO environment and grib2flexpart Enhancement minor FP other
#229 flex_extract requires grib_api even when run in gateway mode anphi Enhancement trivial flex_extract_v7.1.2 flex_extract
#4 tarball contains MacOS file admin Defect trivial FP other
#11 readpartpositions.f90 seems to have a flawed value check ignacio Defect minor FLEXPART 9.2 FP coding/compilation
#55 Particles over highest model level hasod Defect major FLEXPART 9.2 FP physics/numerics
#57 Wrong version strings in header and header_nest files anphi Defect minor FLEXPART 9.2 FP other
#58 Memory leak in netcdf ouput routine jbrioude Defect minor FLEXPART_WRF_3.2_FPbase_9 FP other
#61 Wrong physical half-life of Xe-133 - SPECIES_021 saeck Defect minor FLEXPART 9.2 FP input data
#65 Rewording of start site admin Defect minor System aspects
#66 Downloads, mistakes in description admin Defect minor System aspects
#74 Problem in FLEXPART run with stratospheric ozone tracer option jbrioude Defect major FLEXPART_WRF_3.2_FPbase_9 FP other
#86 Erase unused InstallHint page admin Defect major System aspects
#87 Erase unused IntroFlex page admin Defect major System aspects
#88 Erase unused FlexTra Page admin Defect major System aspects
#89 Erase unused FlexWrf page admin Defect major System aspects
#90 Erase unused FlexpartGpl admin Defect major System aspects
#91 Erase unused FlexpartLiteratur admin Defect major System aspects
#92 Erase empty page TestFiles admin Defect major System aspects
#97 FLEXWRF3.1 compiling issue with netcdf4.3.2 jbrioude Defect major FP coding/compilation
#103 FLEXWRFV3.1 runtime probIems (about IOUTPUTFOREACHREL and NAGECLASS) jbrioude Defect minor FP other
#106 svn update gives error admin Defect critical System aspects
#107 why the values for the potential voricity output are zero? jbrioude Defect trivial FLEXPART_WRF_3.2_FPbase_9 FP other
#108 Problem with mercator projection adingwell Defect major FLEXPART_WRF_3.3_FPbase_9 FP other
#109 error when compiling the flexwrf3.2 with netcdf 4.0 jbrioude Defect major FLEXPART_WRF_3.2_FPbase_9 FP coding/compilation
#111 where is the MQUASILAG option jbrioude Defect major FP input data
#116 FLEXPART-WRF v3.2 runtime segmentation fault jbrioude Defect major FLEXPART_WRF_3.2_FPbase_9 FP other
#150 Correct minor issues in grib2nc4 code and makefile Defect minor FP other
#156 Flexpart-WRF 3.3, new parameter in readinput.f90 adingwell Defect minor FLEXPART_WRF_3.3_FPbase_9 FP other
#157 Flexpart-WRF 3.3 forces verbose setting adingwell Defect minor FLEXPART_WRF_3.3_FPbase_9 FP coding/compilation
#158 Reading of the (no longer used) 'ALT' variable from WRF Defect major FLEXPART_WRF_3.3_FPbase_9 FP coding/compilation
#159 MPI Compilation adingwell Defect major FLEXPART_WRF_3.4_FPbase_9 FP coding/compilation
#160 SFC_OPTION=1 no longer supported adingwell Defect minor FLEXPART_WRF_3.3_FPbase_9 FP coding/compilation
#170 FPv10 (2016-11-2) not working with old ECMWF GRIB1 as it was in Summer 2016 Defect major FP coding/compilation
#174 BUG in FLEXPART-WRF pesei Defect major FP coding/compilation
#197 Inconsistent use of ew in verttransform pesei Defect major FLEXPART 10 FP coding/compilation
#202 Bug in flex_extract v7.0.3 public user mode anphi Defect critical flex_extract
#203 inconsistency / bug in verttransform_gfs.f90 pesei Defect major FLEXPART 10 FP coding/compilation
#212 Bug in flex_extract v7.0.3 Fortran program "CONVERT2" anphi Defect critical flex_extract_v7.1 flex_extract
#215 Bug in flex_extract v7.0.3 ERA5 data extraction anphi Defect blocker flex_extract
#224 on ecgate, ECCODES ERRORS : Maximum value out of range: inf anphi Defect major flex_extract
#227 Retrieve global ERA5 data anphi Defect major flex_extract
#246 Compilation error with Intel Fortran ignacio Defect major FLEXPART 10 System aspects
#261 Installation of flex_extract v7.1 anphi Defect minor FP input data
#287 Suddenly ECMWF files have a GRIB2 message with shortName=unknown anphi Defect major FP input data
#329 Bias of footprint dependant on particle number Defect critical FP other
#341 Test Defect major FP other
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