Opened 10 years ago
Closed 10 years ago
#107 closed Defect (fixed)
why the values for the potential voricity output are zero?
Reported by: | chenbin | Owned by: | jbrioude |
Priority: | trivial | Milestone: | FLEXPART_WRF_3.2_FPbase_9 |
Component: | FP other | Version: | FLEXPART-WRF |
Keywords: | Cc: | skomo |
I have tried to run flexpart-wrf with different version(from 3.0 to 3.2). However, I found the valuse of potential voricity equal zeros, while I set particle dump for every output interval. Is any bugs in the programes? thanks for your help in advance.
BTW: There seems a bug in convmix_kfeta.f90 programe, if set variable "maxpar" not equal "numpart", which could make the value of "maxval(igrid)" too big and programe stop at the line of "too much x and y grid modify convmix_kfeta.f". This bug could be solved by add another loop behind the line 154.
do ipart=1,maxpart
Attachments (1)
Change History (10)
comment:1 follow-up: ↓ 4 Changed 10 years ago by DefaultCC Plugin
- Cc skomo added
comment:2 Changed 10 years ago by jbrioude
comment:3 Changed 10 years ago by jbrioude
- Owner changed from somebody to jbrioude
- Status changed from new to assigned
comment:4 in reply to: ↑ 1 Changed 10 years ago by chenbin
What is the parameter to control PV calculation or not. The belowing is my input files.
=====================FORMER PATHNAMES FILE===================
=====================FORMER COMMAND FILE=====================
1 LDIRECT: 1 for forward simulation, -1 for backward simulation
20110620 120000 YYYYMMDD HHMISS beginning date of simulation
20110622 120000 YYYYMMDD HHMISS ending date of simulation
3600 SSSSS (int) output every SSSSS seconds
3600 SSSSS (int) time average of output (in SSSSS seconds)
180 SSSSS (int) sampling rate of output (in SSSSS seconds)
999999999 SSSSS (int) time constant for particle splitting (in seconds)
180 SSSSS (int) synchronisation interval of flexpart (in seconds)
- CTL (real) factor by which time step must be smaller than tl 10 IFINE (int) decrease of time step for vertical motion by factor ifine 1 IOUT 1 concentration, 2 mixing ratio, 3 both, 4 plume traject, 5=1+4 1 IPOUT particle dump: 0 no, 1 every output interval, 2 only at end 1 LSUBGRID subgrid terrain effect parameterization: 1 yes, 0 no 3 LCONVECTION convection: 3 yes, 0 no
- DT_CONV (real) time interval to call convection, seconds 1 LAGESPECTRA age spectra: 1 yes, 0 no 0 IPIN continue simulation with dumped particle data: 1 yes, 0 no 0 IFLUX calculate fluxes: 1 yes, 0 no 0 IOUTPUTFOREACHREL CREATE AN OUPUT FILE FOR EACH RELEASE LOCATION: 1 YES, 0 NO 1 MDOMAINFILL domain-filling trajectory option: 1 yes, 0 no, 2 strat. o3 tracer 1 IND_SOURCE 1=mass unit , 2=mass mixing ratio unit 2 IND_RECEPTOR 1=mass unit , 2=mass mixing ratio unit 0 NESTED_OUTPUT shall nested output be used? 1 yes, 0 no 0 LINIT_COND INITIAL COND. FOR BW RUNS: 0=NO,1=MASS UNIT,2=MASS MIXING RATIO UNIT 1 TURB_OPTION 0=no turbulence; 1=diagnosed as in flexpart_ecmwf; 2 and 3=from tke. 1 CBL SCHEME 0=no, 1=yes. works if TURB_OPTION=1 1 SFC_OPTION 0=default computation of u*, hflux, pblh, 1=from wrf 0 WIND_OPTION 0=snapshot winds, 1=mean winds,2=snapshot eta-dot,-1=w based on divergence 1 TIME_OPTION 1=correction of time validity for time-average wind, 0=no need 1 OUTGRID_COORD 0=wrf grid(meters), 1=regular lat/lon grid 1 RELEASE_COORD 0=wrf grid(meters), 1=regular lat/lon grid 1 IOUTTYPE 0=default binary, 1=ascii (for particle dump only),2=netcdf 3 NCTIMEREC (int) Time frames per output file, only used for netcdf 0 VERBOSE VERBOSE MODE,0=minimum, 100=maximum
=====================FORMER AGECLASESS FILE==================
1 NAGECLASS number of age classes
999999 SSSSSS (int) age class in SSSSS seconds
=====================FORMER OUTGRID FILE=====================
70.00 OUTLONLEFT geograhical longitude of lower left corner of output grid
30.0 OUTLATLOWER geographical latitude of lower left corner of output grid
101 NUMXGRID number of grid points in x direction (= # of cells )
51 NUMYGRID number of grid points in y direction (= # of cells )
0 OUTGRIDDEF outgrid defined 0=using grid distance, 1=upperright corner coordinate
0.50 DXOUTLON grid distance in x direction or upper right corner of output grid
0.50 DYOUTLON grid distance in y direction or upper right corner of output grid
3 NUMZGRID number of vertical levels
100.0 LEVEL height of level (upper boundary)
1000.0 LEVEL height of level (upper boundary)
20000.0 LEVEL height of level (upper boundary)
=====================FORMER RECEPTOR FILE====================
0 NUMRECEPTOR number of receptors
=====================FORMER SPECIES FILE=====================
1 NUMTABLE number of variable properties. The following lines are fixed format
XXXX|NAME |decaytime |wetscava |wetsb|drydif|dryhenry|drya|partrho |parmean|partsig|dryvelo|weight |
AIRTRACER -999.9 -9.9E-09 -9.9 -9.9E09 -9.99 29.00
=====================FORMER RELEEASES FILE===================
1 NSPEC total number of species emitted
0 EMITVAR 1 for emission variation
1 LINK index of species in file SPECIES
1 NUMPOINT number of releases
20110620 140000 ID1, IT1 beginning date and time of release
20110620 160000 ID2, IT2 ending date and time of release
90.0000 XPOINT1 (real) longitude [deg] of lower left corner
50.0000 YPOINT1 (real) latitude [deg] of lower left corner
91.000 XPOINT2 (real) longitude [deg] of upper right corner
51.000 YPOINT2 (real) latitude [DEG] of upper right corner
1 KINDZ (int) 1 for m above ground, 2 for m above sea level, 3 pressure
100.000 ZPOINT1 (real) lower z-level
1500.000 ZPOINT2 (real) upper z-level
5000 NPART (int) total number of particles to be released
.1000E+04 XMASS (real) total mass emitted, species 1
comment:5 follow-up: ↓ 6 Changed 10 years ago by jbrioude
you can see the tests at the end of calcpar.f90
basically, PV is calculated if you ask for a trajectories.txt file (IOUT=4 or 5), or a domainfilling with ozone.
You used IOUT=1 and MDOMAINFILL=1.
you can try IOUT=5, and you should get PV values in the partposit* files.
comment:6 in reply to: ↑ 5 Changed 10 years ago by chenbin
Hi jbrioude. Many thanks for your kind reply. I will try and see it.
comment:7 Changed 10 years ago by pesei
Hi all, please remember the syntax for code snippets: the 5th icon from the left above the edit window, or manually as
{{{ ... }}}
for in-line code use
` ... `
comment:8 Changed 10 years ago by jbrioude
Sorry for not using the code snippets. I didn't notice the icon until now. I'm not used to wiki pages.
comment:9 Changed 10 years ago by jbrioude
- Resolution set to fixed
- Status changed from assigned to closed
PV will be calculated depending on what you ask in your input file. PV is not always calculated because it takes some computation time. Can you upload your flexwrf.input file so I can check?
I agree that there might be a problem with a compiler that doesn't properly initialize the igrid values in convmix_kfeta.f90.
I think that changing
line 233: if (maxval(igrid).gt.1000000) then
line 233: if (maxval(igrid(1:numpart)).gt.1000000) then
than modifying the initialization loop would be a little bit more efficient.
I will add this fix.