Available Reports
Custom Query
Compose a new ticket query by selecting filters and columns to display.
SQL reports and saved custom queries Sort by: Identifier Title
{16} Active Tickets WRF only
- List all active tickets for WRF by modification date.
- Color each row based on priority.
- You can sort the list by each column, clicking on the header (clicking a second time: reverse order)
{15} Active Tickets by Component
- List all active tickets by modification date and component.
- Color each row based on priority.
- You can sort the list by each column, clicking on the header (clicking a second time: reverse order)
{14} All Tickets by Milestone
In each Milestone, ordered by time, type, owner, priority
No system tickets.
{13} Active Tickets excluding WRF
- List all active tickets (except WRF and System) by modification date.
- Color each row based on priority.
- You can sort the list by each column, clicking on the header (clicking a second time: reverse order)
{12} My Closed Tickets
Show owned closed tickets
{11} All Tickets by Owner, colour for status
List all tickets, group by ticket owner, sorted by status.
{10} All Tickets by Owner, colour for priority
List all tickets, group by ticket owner, sorted by status.
{9} System tickets
Show all system tickets, orderd by status, priority, time
{8} Active Tickets, Mine first
- Show all tickets owned by the logged in user
{7} My Active Tickets
This report demonstrates the use of the automatically set USER dynamic variable, replaced with the username of the logged in user when executed.
{6} All Tickets (including closed)
All tickets, by inverse number, status
{5} Unassigned and unaccepted tickets
List tickets not yet assigned/accepted
First, all the tickets which don't have an owner yet ("somebody")
Then, all tickets assigned but not accepted yet by owner
(Please don't forget to accept your tickets. Assignment is only the first step.)
{4} Accepted, Active Tickets by Owner
List accepted tickets, group by ticket owner, sorted by priority.
{3} Active Tickets by Milestone
In each Milestone, ordered by owner, priority, type, time
No system tickets.
{2} Active Tickets by Version
Each block orderd by priority, type, time
No system tickets.
{1} Active Tickets
- List all active tickets by modification date.
- Color each row based on priority.
- You can sort the list by each column, clicking on the header (clicking a second time: reverse order)