Custom Query (41 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#27 ETEX1 data as part of FLEXPART distribution accepted pesei Task minor FLEXPART 9.2
#33 Precipitation treatment accepted dearn Defect critical FLEXPART 9.2
#34 Wet deposition - washout coefficients accepted pesei Defect critical FLEXPART 9.2
#36 Convection - don't call every time step accepted pesei Enhancement minor FLEXPART 9.2
#56 Parameter numbers in GRIB1/GRIB2 accepted anphi Task major FLEXPART 9.2
#77 Speeding up FLEXPART accepted pesei Enhancement major FLEXPART 9.2
#94 Code review for changeset 27 / hasod accepted pesei Task major FLEXPART 9.2
#115 Bug in readspecies.f90 accepted pesei Defect major FLEXPART 9.2
#123 bwd runs and receptor output new somebody Enhancement major FLEXPART 9.2
#26 configure script assigned New feature major Long-term tasks
#37 Kernels for receptor output new sthen Enhancement major Long-term tasks
#38 Testing environment accepted anphi New feature major Long-term tasks
#44 Cittycat interface accepted ignacio Task minor Long-term tasks
#51 Wet deposition - other models accepted pesei Task major Long-term tasks
#85 Input file templates accepted pesei Enhancement minor Long-term tasks
#282 Eliminate code duplications new Enhancement major Long-term tasks
#122 Improve MQUASILAG option accepted pesei Enhancement critical FLEXPART 10.4.1
#269 Compilation without netCDF not properly implemented, grib_api -> eccodes accepted pesei Defect major FLEXPART 10.4.1
#25 Dynamic memory allocation accepted anphi Enhancement major FLEXPART 10
#31 Wet deposition - problems with in-cloud/below-cloud scheme accepted pesei Defect critical FLEXPART 10
#199 gridcheck: checking array dimensions needs to be improved new Defect minor FLEXPART 10
#204 namelist input for RELEASES needs more checking accepted pesei Defect critical FLEXPART 10
#213 wrong unit for max convection level in gridcheck new Defect major FLEXPART 10
#214 global OUTGRID is rejected accepted pesei Defect major FLEXPART 10
#278 Receptor output - missing features new Enhancement major FLEXPART 10
#281 problem with caldate accepted pesei Enhancement major FLEXPART 10
#295 New interpolation scheme for precipitation accepted anphi New feature major FLEXPART 10
#312 EMOSLIB to disappear on new HPC in Bologna accepted anphi Task major flex_extract_v7.1.3
#315 flex_extract templates with reduced level number accepted anphi New feature minor flex_extract_v7.1.3
#270 readreceptors.f90: bug in namelist version accepted pesei Defect major FLEXPART 11
#175 FpWrf header_nest dxoutn, dyoutn always in metre accepted pesei Defect major FLEXPART_WRF_3.4_FPbase_9
#176 No error issued if insufficient number of SPECIES (FpWrf) accepted pesei Defect minor FLEXPART_WRF_3.4_FPbase_9
#302 Create flex_extract_precip accepted anphi New feature major flex_extract_v7.2
#28 Trivial parallelisation accepted pesei Task major
#30 Documentation for domain-filling runs accepted hasod Task major
#39 Interpolation close to the poles new somebody Task minor
#43 Library for reading output accepted pesei Task major
#52 Particle release density assigned ignacio Enhancement major
#59 Improve error messages accepted anphi Enhancement major
#67 Support for removing levels from EN files accepted anphi New feature major
#113 Option for incremental wet deposition output accepted pesei New feature minor
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