Opened 9 years ago

Last modified 2 years ago

#122 accepted Enhancement

Improve MQUASILAG option

Reported by: pesei Owned by: pesei
Priority: critical Milestone: FLEXPART 10.4.1
Component: FP physics/numerics Version: FLEXPART 9.0.2
Keywords: Cc:


Quasi-Lagrangian output, i.e. particle IDs and positions, is not well implemented yet.

In readcommand.f90:

  ! For quasilag output for each release is forbidden
  ! For quasilag backward is forbidden

In partoutput_short.f90:

  ! Convert positions to integer*2 variables (from -32768 to 32767)
  ! Do this only for region of main interest, i.e. extended North Atlantic region,
  ! and for the tracer of interest, i.e. the North American one

      if ( xlon=xlon-360.
      if ( xlon=xlon+360.

      if (( &
           (xmass1(i,1).gt.0.)) then

  end do

I don't see the reasons for these limitations, and in any case, they are not desirable (cf. recent FLEXPART discussion list posting, Subject: Particle tracking).

Change History (4)

comment:1 Changed 9 years ago by pesei

      if ((mquasilag.eq.1).and.(itime.eq.(loutstart+loutend)/2)) &
         call partoutput_short(itime)    
         ! dump particle positions in extremely compressed format

Why is quasilag output in the middleof the output interval?

comment:2 Changed 2 years ago by cluekenwinkels

I also have problems with the output of the partposit files in backward runs on a limited domain.
As far as I can tell there is no possibility to attach an id to each of the particles in this case (which would usually be done with mquasilag in forward mode). However I need the positions of each particle to recover its trajectory which, at the current state, is not possible out of the box.
I am now working on a workaround in postprocessing, but I am sure many could profit from the addition of a particle id to the position-output.

Context, where to use the trajectories:
I am interested in the source-receptor relation in a limited domain and want to seperate the influence from within the domain from the outside. For a background, measurements at the endpoints of the trajectories are used. Without consistent trajectories this is not possible.

Thanks in advance!

comment:3 Changed 2 years ago by pesei

I have talked to Andreas Stohl who originally implemented MQUASILAG. The limitiations are there because originally it was for a specific application only.

I think we should remove the limitations, and I should do it, or you, or in some form of cooperation (for contacting me, see DevelopersListing)

comment:4 Changed 2 years ago by pesei

  • Milestone changed from FLEXPART 9.2 to FLEXPART 10.4.1
  • Owner changed from somebody to pesei
  • Status changed from new to accepted
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