Custom Query (12 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#303 Flexpart V10.4 example contained in Pisso et al. (2019) fails Support blocker FP coding/compilation
#129 Particles disappear in FLEXPART RUN at longitude 180 Support critical FLEXPART_WRF_3.2_FPbase_9 FP coding/compilation
#64 STOP sorry: t not in [k] jbrioude Defect major FLEXPART 9.2 FP input data
#153 Problem while installing flexpart pesei Defect major FP coding/compilation
#185 MQUASILAG in backward mode Defect major FP other
#186 Compile fails using gfortran due to error in erf.f90 Defect major FP other
#201 Installation issue Support major FLEXPART_WRF_3.4_FPbase_9 FP other
#239 wrong units for deposition in FLEXPART-WRF? Defect major FLEXPART_WRF_3.4_FPbase_9 FP other
#255 Using GFS 0.25deg Data Support major FP input data
#257 Issue with warm start Support major FLEXPART 10 FP other
#259 did not getting the proper output file Support major FLEXPART_WRF_3.4_FPbase_9 FP other
#171 Segmentation Fault Flexpart WRF 3.3 pesei Defect minor FP coding/compilation
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