
Roadmap of FLEXPART Versions

(don't confuse with the trac "Roadmap" which is automatically produced from the content of the trac instance, and thus does not include old versions and the information as given below)

There are three ways to access the code:

  1. The roadmap table below gives an overview of the planned, current and previous FLEXPART versions. It contains links to the respective tarballs. This is the recommended way for regular users.
  2. The Downloads link in the top navigation menu. It leads to an unstructured list of all downloads.
  3. Through the git version control system. This allows to obtain the latest development version. See GitFlexpart for detailed instructions. You can also use Browse source on the top navigation to look into the code in the git system.

For installation hints, see FpInstall.

The latest stable release (recommended) is marked by * and a version number in bold below.

Version 11

VersionDate releasedDownloadImportant changesMain authorLibs req.
11.0_beta[June 2024]see FpRoadmapVer11 see FpRoadmapVer11Lucie et al.eccodes, netcdf (optional), openmp (optional)

Version 10

VersionDate releasedDownloadImportant changesMain authorLibs req.
10.4.1 some corrections, mostly in makefile. Allows to compile without netcdf installed. Petraeccodes, netcdf, openmpi (optional)
*10.420 Nov 2019download:66this is the version described in the Fp10 Paper Ignacio/NILUgrib_api/eccodes, netcdf, openmpi (optional)
10.3.x_betaJuly 2019, not a releasepart of course tarball changes in SPECIES, minor changes eccodes, netcdf (optional)
10.3beta5 commit 348abf618 Feb 2019 download:63 Wet deposition using cloud ice and water, skewed CBL turbulence, MPI version, etc; see Fp10 Paper and Milestone 10Ignacio, Espen and others (mostly NILU)

Version 9
Note that versions <=9.1 are not yet ready for Grib Version 2. Without applying some changes, you can only use Grib1 input data!

VersionDate releasedDownloadImportant changesMain authorLibs req.
9.32016-06-02downloads/54implementation of CTBTO project. WARNING: this is not a production-ready version. Some functionality of Fp is not supported+Don (Borealscience) and others
9.2in preparation--major code review, effiency and bug fixes, see #101+Petra (BOKU/UNIVIE)
9.2beta 2014-11-05no download changeset:31Grib2 met data supported, #101 netcdf output, unifies several separate additions, general streamlining; see Milestone 9.2Harald (ETHZ), Ignacio (NILU)
9.1 2014-07-03no download changeset:27 #94 namelist input Harald (ETHZ)see v8.2
9.0.3*2018-06-01downloads/60bug fixes: #139 (bad do loop), #49 (erf type)+Petrasee v8.2
9.0.22012-05-10downloads/7 see v8.2
9.0.1 downloads/8 see v8.2
9.0 2012-01-11 downloads/6 code in f90 free format(NILU) see v8.2

Version 8

VersionDate releasedDownloadImportant changesMain authorLibs req.
8.2.32011-08-04downloads/4 bugfix verttransform see v8.2
8.2.22011-05-19downloads/3 bugfix domainfill see v8.2
8.2.12011-05-16downloads/2 bugfix outgrid_ini, wetdepo see v8.2
8.2 2010-11-29 downloads/5 supports GRIB2, some dynamic memory alloc, ... detailsNILUjasper>1.900.1 grib_api>1.8 emos>372(opt.)
8.12009-07-02downloads/1 mostly bugfixes. More space for windfield names. detailsNILU
8.02008-09-02n/abelow/in-cloud wet scav., unified ECMWF/NFS, modified output format ... Sabine Eckhardt (NILU) jasper, grib_api


VersionYear Important changesMain authorLibs req.
7 not released?
6.42005-11GFS versionwith S. Eckhardt
6.12005-02convection improvments, domain-filling, output nestsA. Stohl, C. Forsteremos
5.12004-03better bwd simulations and i/owith P. Seibert and A. Frank
5.02002-08better bwd simulations and i/owith P. Seibert and A. Frank
42001-06convection schemewith P. Seibert
31999-07density correctionwith D. Thomson
21997-10deposition added, validated with ETEX A. Stohl
11996mean and turbulent transportA. Stohl
Last modified 3 months ago Last modified on Jun 29, 2024, 5:51:55 PM
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