Custom Query (31 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone Component
#168 the coordinate transfo error exceeds 0.02*dx reopened adingwell Support FP other
#216 how to know endpoint of each released particle assigned igpis Defect FLEXPART_WRF_3.4_FPbase_9 FP input data
#199 gridcheck: checking array dimensions needs to be improved new Defect FLEXPART 10 FP coding/compilation
#315 flex_extract templates with reduced level number accepted anphi New feature flex_extract_v7.1.3 flex_extract
#326 error: STOP READWIND: NUVZ NOT CONSISTENT new Defect FP other
#198 Unsorted trajectories in FLEXTRA flightmode with constant initialization time accepted pesei Enhancement FLEXTRA
#280 Trajectory time 240000 instead of 000000 next day accepted pesei Enhancement FLEXTRA 6 FLEXTRA
#124 Suggest easing of restriction on number of releases in readpartpositions.f90 accepted pesei Enhancement FLEXPART 9.2 FP other
#271 SFC_OPTION = 1 not working accepted pesei Support FP input data
#298 Running preprocessing with previously loaded grib files accepted anphi Support flex_extract_v7.1.3 flex_extract
#276 Problems creating NetCDf output with many output levels accepted ignacio Defect FLEXPART 10 FP coding/compilation
#113 Option for incremental wet deposition output accepted pesei New feature FP physics/numerics
#274 Non-ascii characters in FLEXTRA output accepted pesei Defect FLEXTRA 6 FLEXTRA
#313 No flux file for the second member with ENDA ERA5 data accepted anphi Defect flex_extract_v7.1.3 flex_extract
#176 No error issued if insufficient number of SPECIES (FpWrf) accepted pesei Defect FLEXPART_WRF_3.4_FPbase_9 FP coding/compilation
#39 Interpolation close to the poles new somebody Task FP physics/numerics
#85 Input file templates accepted pesei Enhancement Long-term tasks FP input data
#327 Incorrect output in header for variable ReleaseZstart_end new Defect FP other
#151 Improper use of MPI_IN_PLACE assigned espen Defect FLEXPART 10 FP coding/compilation
#304 INSTALLDIR not passed to the installation accepted anphi Defect flex_extract_v7.1.3 flex_extract
#325 Flexpart v10.4 test cases run new Enhancement FP input data
#50 FLEXPART can crash with some GFS data accepted jbrioude Enhancement FLEXPART 9.2 FP coding/compilation
#266 FIX: Remove flex_extract v7.1 from ECMWF server before new installation accepted anphi Task flex_extract_v7.2 flex_extract
#27 ETEX1 data as part of FLEXPART distribution accepted pesei Task FLEXPART 9.2 FP input data
#336 ERA5 flux data scaling at >1h temporal resolution new Support flex_extract
#317 Correct OH reaction coefficients for SO2, CO new Enhancement FP other
#36 Convection - don't call every time step accepted pesei Enhancement FLEXPART 9.2 FP physics/numerics
#44 Cittycat interface accepted ignacio Task Long-term tasks FP post-processing
#286 Bug for local public ERA5 data / flex_extract v7.1.2 accepted anphi Defect flex_extract_v7.1.3 flex_extract
#139 Bad do-loop in richardson.f90 accepted pesei Defect FLEXPART 9.2 FP coding/compilation
#228 Add horizontal self-propelled vector to particle new New feature FP other
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