Custom Query (18 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#39 Interpolation close to the poles new somebody Task minor
#51 Wet deposition - other models accepted pesei Task major Long-term tasks
#244 Problem in grid area size new Support major
#113 Option for incremental wet deposition output accepted pesei New feature minor
#295 New interpolation scheme for precipitation accepted anphi New feature major FLEXPART 10
#36 Convection - don't call every time step accepted pesei Enhancement minor FLEXPART 9.2
#37 Kernels for receptor output new sthen Enhancement major Long-term tasks
#52 Particle release density assigned ignacio Enhancement major
#122 Improve MQUASILAG option accepted pesei Enhancement critical FLEXPART 10.4.1
#123 bwd runs and receptor output new somebody Enhancement major FLEXPART 9.2
#278 Receptor output - missing features new Enhancement major FLEXPART 10
#31 Wet deposition - problems with in-cloud/below-cloud scheme accepted pesei Defect critical FLEXPART 10
#33 Precipitation treatment accepted dearn Defect critical FLEXPART 9.2
#34 Wet deposition - washout coefficients accepted pesei Defect critical FLEXPART 9.2
#54 Particle loss at poles reopened hasod Defect major FLEXPART 9.2
#119 random numbers with fixed seeds in convective scheme assigned igpis Defect major FLEXPART_WRF_3.4_FPbase_9
#169 Seg fault - particles moving out of ABL by hor. diffusion assigned jbrioude Defect major FLEXPART_WRF_3.4_FPbase_9
#316 Post-processing issue: Negative deposition values new Defect major FLEXPART 10.4.1
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