Custom Query (30 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#30 Documentation for domain-filling runs accepted hasod Task major
#38 Testing environment accepted anphi New feature major Long-term tasks
#110 Warm start crashes FLEXPART-WRF accepted jbrioude Defect major FLEXPART_WRF_3.4_FPbase_9
#114 FLEXPART-WRF of v3.2 cannot read in more than 96 met files? accepted anphi Defect major
#140 vertransform.f90 occasionally fails to initialize accepted pesei Defect major FLEXPART 10
#162 Add version information to preprocessing files in FPV9.3.1 new Enhancement major
#191 Grib1 total cloud water field is not recognized assigned ignacio Defect major FLEXPART 10
#210 RECEPTOR syntax error accepted pesei Support major
#220 Issue with NCEP GFS data after 2015-01-14 new Defect major
#236 Bad wind_option / time_option combination is not forbidden by WRF-FLEXPART new Defect major
#237 Inconsistent netCDF output new Defect major
#247 allow for using WRF output with lakes new Defect major
#248 Inconsistency between Pisso et al paper and model behavior accepted saeck Defect major
#281 problem with caldate accepted pesei Enhancement major FLEXPART 10
#282 Eliminate code duplications new Enhancement major Long-term tasks
#293 FLEXPART-WRF takes wrong OUTGRID information new Defect major
#308 FLEXPART-WRF: Sorry t not in [K] new Defect major
#321 UNKNOWN METDATA FORMAT error while using NCEP data new Defect major
#338 FLEXPART failing on eccodes v2.30.0 new Defect major
#339 Segmentation fault new Defect major FLEXPART 10.4.1
#342 the cdo sinfo time of ERA5 is strange new Defect major
#343 flex_extract: TypeError: an integer is required new Defect major
#344 how to calculate daily P from 3-hr ERA5 data assigned anphi Support major
#124 Suggest easing of restriction on number of releases in readpartpositions.f90 accepted pesei Enhancement minor FLEXPART 9.2
#168 the coordinate transfo error exceeds 0.02*dx reopened adingwell Support minor
#228 Add horizontal self-propelled vector to particle new New feature minor
#317 Correct OH reaction coefficients for SO2, CO new Enhancement minor
#326 error: STOP READWIND: NUVZ NOT CONSISTENT new Defect minor
#327 Incorrect output in header for variable ReleaseZstart_end new Defect minor
#310 EMPTY LINES in the AVAILABLE file new Defect trivial FLEXPART 10.4.1
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