Opened 7 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#191 assigned Defect

Grib1 total cloud water field is not recognized

Reported by: ahilboll Owned by: ignacio
Priority: major Milestone: FLEXPART 10
Component: FP other Version: FLEXPART 10.2
Keywords: Cc:


I believe there is a problem with reading ECMWF total cloud water (looking at the v10.2beta tag in Git).

The problem is that when I have Grib1 files, the indicatorOfParameter (which is used to identify the variable in that version) for the qc field is 31 and not 201031. This means that FLEXPART will always complain about Global fields: using cloud water from Parameterization even though the files do contain the cloud water information.

For all other variables present in the Grib files, the paramId seems to be the same as the indicatorOfParameter, so I believe this fixes the problem:

--- a/src/readwind.f90
+++ b/src/readwind.f90
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ subroutine readwind(indj,n,uuh,vvh,wwh)
 !print*,'GRiB Edition 1'
 !read the grib2 identifiers
-    call grib_get_int(igrib,'indicatorOfParameter',isec1(6),iret)
+    call grib_get_int(igrib,'paramId',isec1(6),iret)
     call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg)
     call grib_get_int(igrib,'level',isec1(8),iret)
     call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg)

--- a/src/readwind_mpi.f90
+++ b/src/readwind_mpi.f90
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ subroutine readwind(indj,n,uuh,vvh,wwh)
 !print*,'GRiB Edition 1'
 !read the grib2 identifiers
-    call grib_get_int(igrib,'indicatorOfParameter',isec1(6),iret)
+    call grib_get_int(igrib,'paramId',isec1(6),iret)
     call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg)
     call grib_get_int(igrib,'level',isec1(8),iret)
     call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg)

Change History (4)

comment:1 Changed 6 years ago by pesei

  • Owner set to igpis
  • Status changed from new to assigned

Thanks for reporting it. Version 10 is not yet officially released. I am assigning the ticket to Ignacio, he could answer whether the issue is already addressed (I would think so).

comment:2 Changed 6 years ago by pesei

  • Owner changed from igpis to ignacio

comment:3 Changed 6 years ago by ahilboll

I just checked this with the current 10.3 tarball, and can confirm that when I do not apply the changes above to readwind_ecmwf.f90, I get

 Global fields: using cloud water from Parameterization

even though my ERA-Interim Grib1 files do contain the qv field.

When I do apply the changes above, I get

 Global ECMWF fields: using cloud water

comment:4 Changed 4 years ago by pesei

  • Milestone set to FLEXPART 10
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