Custom Query (16 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#9 Issues with getting the correct data from ECMWF server leohaim Support major FP input data
#42 ECMWF pre-processor too heavy anphi Enhancement major FP input data
#62 error reading ECMWF grib files, gridcheck.f90 somebody Support major FP input data
#63 SPAM admin Defect major System aspects
#72 Issues while compiling FLEXTRA pesei Support major FLEXTRA
#98 data resolution error pesei Defect major FP coding/compilation
#142 GRIB_API ERROR : gridcheck: Error Key/value not found pesei Support major FP other
#188 AVAILABLE file problems pesei Support major FP other
#192 Issue during install of FLEXPARTv9.3. Support major FP coding/compilation
#245 particles below ground are reflected New feature major FP coding/compilation
#249 related to making FLEXPART V 10.3 pesei Defect major FLEXPART 10 FP coding/compilation
#300 ECCODES ERROR : get: pv Passed array is too small anphi Defect major flex_extract
#18 Additional permissions for developers for TICKET admin Task minor System aspects
#76 course notes: WS11_visu.ppt somebody Support minor FP other
#100 Flexpart-WRF grid_flux Output somebody Support minor FP post-processing
#105 error when compiling flexpart-wrf 3.1 jbrioude Support minor FP coding/compilation
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