Custom Query (19 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#27 ETEX1 data as part of FLEXPART distribution accepted pesei Task minor FLEXPART 9.2
#28 Trivial parallelisation accepted pesei Task major
#56 Parameter numbers in GRIB1/GRIB2 accepted anphi Task major FLEXPART 9.2
#67 Support for removing levels from EN files accepted anphi New feature major
#77 Speeding up FLEXPART accepted pesei Enhancement major FLEXPART 9.2
#85 Input file templates accepted pesei Enhancement minor Long-term tasks
#134 Issue using *.grb and *.grib2 accepted anphi Defect major FLEXPART 9.2
#143 readwind_gfs() not reading total cloud cover from GRIB2 accepted pesei Defect major FLEXPART 9.2
#232 Warnings about undefined GRiB2 messages accepted anphi Defect major FLEXPART 10
#271 SFC_OPTION = 1 not working accepted pesei Support minor
#48 Crash with grib1 GFS/FNL assigned ignacio Defect major FLEXPART 9.2
#216 how to know endpoint of each released particle assigned igpis Defect minor FLEXPART_WRF_3.4_FPbase_9
#222 Richardson Failure - Flexpart WRF 3.3 assigned igpis Support major FLEXPART_WRF_3.4_FPbase_9
#241 *** read_ncwrfout_1realfield -- var ndims mismatch for CLDFRA new Defect major
#243 New NCEP FV3 GRIB files result in minor FLEXPART errors new Defect trivial FLEXPART 10
#292 Problem reading TKE_PBL - Flexpart-WRF new Support major
#294 domain filling runs output for each release is forbidden new Support major
#323 Wrong scaling of snow depth and convective precip when reading ECMWF input in GRIB2 new Defect major
#325 Flexpart v10.4 test cases run new Enhancement minor
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