Custom Query (210 matches)


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Results (64 - 66 of 210)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#102 somebody rfe wontfix flexpart-wrf build fails on OSX with PGI fortran

I can't get flexpart-wrf to build on OSX with either PGI or GNU fortran. I did get it to build and run with linux/gnu fortran.

Here is info about the OSX/PGI attempt:

OSX version 10.9.5 Xcode version 6.0.1 pgf90 version 13.10-0 64-bit target on Apple OS/X -tp sandybridge

Source code from

Modified to Choose using PGI compiler Set path for NetCDF include and lib Set path to pgf90 compiler Remove -mcmodel=medium option

Attempt to build with make -f serial

Output =

/opt/pgi/osx86-64/13.10/bin/pgf90 -c -I/sw/include -fastsse par_mod.f90 /opt/pgi/osx86-64/13.10/bin/pgf90 -c -I/sw/include -fastsse com_mod.f90 /opt/pgi/osx86-64/13.10/bin/pgf90 -c -I/sw/include -fastsse conv_mod.f90


/opt/pgi/osx86-64/13.10/bin/pgf90 -c -I/sw/include -fastsse write_ncheader.f90 /opt/pgi/osx86-64/13.10/bin/pgf90 -c -I/sw/include -fastsse write_ncinfo.f90 /opt/pgi/osx86-64/13.10/bin/pgf90 *.o -o flexwrf31_pgi_serial -L/sw/lib -fastsse -lnetcdff final section layout:

TEXT/text addr=0x100000E60, size=0x001D3090, fileOffset=0x00000E60, type=1 TEXT/stubs addr=0x1001D3EF0, size=0x000002DC, fileOffset=0x001D3EF0, type=28 TEXT/stub_helper addr=0x1001D41CC, size=0x000004D4, fileOffset=0x001D41CC, type=32 TEXT/cstring addr=0x1001D46A0, size=0x000045B3, fileOffset=0x001D46A0, type=13 TEXT/const addr=0x1001D8C60, size=0x00002468, fileOffset=0x001D8C60, type=0 TEXT/unwind_info addr=0x1001DB0C8, size=0x000008A0, fileOffset=0x001DB0C8, type=22 TEXT/eh_frame addr=0x1001DB968, size=0x00013680, fileOffset=0x001DB968, type=19 DATA/dyld addr=0x1001EF000, size=0x00000010, fileOffset=0x001EF000, type=30 DATA/nl_symbol_ptr addr=0x1001EF010, size=0x00000010, fileOffset=0x001EF010, type=29 DATA/got addr=0x1001EF020, size=0x00000050, fileOffset=0x001EF020, type=29 DATA/la_symbol_ptr addr=0x1001EF070, size=0x000003D0, fileOffset=0x001EF070, type=27 DATA/mod_init_func addr=0x1001EF440, size=0x00000468, fileOffset=0x001EF440, type=33 DATA/const addr=0x1001EF8C0, size=0x00000800, fileOffset=0x001EF8C0, type=0 DATA/data addr=0x1001F00C0, size=0x00039664, fileOffset=0x001F00C0, type=0 DATA/common addr=0x100230000, size=0x00077AE0, fileOffset=0x00000000, type=25 DATA/bss addr=0x1002A7AE0, size=0x00184F30, fileOffset=0x00000000, type=25 DATA/huge addr=0x100430000, size=0x129362108, fileOffset=0x00000000, type=25 PGIinfo/IPDINFO addr=0x229793000, size=0x000570B1, fileOffset=0x00234000, type=0 PGIinfo/IPEINFO addr=0x2297EA0B1, size=0x00000179, fileOffset=0x0028B0B1, type=0

ld: unexpected bindingNone in '_boundcond_domainfill_' from boundcond_domainfill.o for architecture x86_64 make: * [serial] Error 2

#104 jbrioude jbrioude fixed FLEXPART-WRF v3.2, beta version

The beta version of FLEXPART-WRF v3.2 is available for download here FLEXPART-WRF version 3.2 beta version

This version fixes the problems reported in tickets #99, #58, #103, #74. Some problems and with netcdf reading have been reported and fixes given by Alan Griffiths.

I have problems with svn at my institute. I'll try to upload the new version into the svn branch for FLEXPART-WRF

#108 adingwell adingwell fixed Problem with mercator projection

I've tried running FLEXPART-WRF with Mercator projection and got the error:

need orientation longitude (stdlon) as: 
   -180e <= lon1 <= 180w
STOP map_init

This error should not occur if Mercator projection is used. The problem is in the subroutine map_set. The variable 'proj_merc' is referenced before it is defined. I've marked the changes needed to fix the problem below:

      proj_code = proj_code_in
      !!! This is where map_init should be called to fix the problem
      call map_init

      ! first, check for validity of mandatory variables in proj
      if ( abs(lat1) .gt. 90.001 ) then
        print '(a)', 'latitude of origin corner required as follows:'
        print '(a)', '    -90n <= lat1 < = 90.n'
        stop 'map_init'
      if ( abs(lon1) .gt. 180.) then
        print '(a)', 'longitude of origin required as follows:'
        print '(a)', '   -180e <= lon1 <= 180w'
        stop 'map_init'
      if ((dx .le. 0.).and.(proj_code .ne. proj_latlon)) then
        print '(a)', 'require grid spacing (dx) in meters be positive!'
        stop 'map_init'
      if ((abs(stdlon) .gt. 180.).and.(proj_code .ne. proj_merc)) then
        print '(a,i3)', 'proj_code: ', proj_code
        print '(a,i3)', 'proj_merc: ', proj_merc
        print '(a)', 'need orientation longitude (stdlon) as: '
        print '(a)', '   -180e <= lon1 <= 180w'
        stop 'map_init'
      if (abs(truelat1).gt.90.) then
        print '(a)', 'set true latitude 1 for all projections!'
        stop 'map_init'

      !!! This is where "map_init" is called in 3.2 BETA

It's also rather confusing when the stop code is 'map_init' but the problem occurs in the subroutine 'map_set'.

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