Custom Query (15 matches)


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Status: accepted (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#110 Warm start crashes FLEXPART-WRF jbrioude Defect major FP other FLEXPART-WRF
#176 No error issued if insufficient number of SPECIES (FpWrf) pesei Defect minor FP coding/compilation FLEXPART-WRF
#175 FpWrf header_nest dxoutn, dyoutn always in metre pesei Defect major FP coding/compilation FLEXPART-WRF

Status: assigned (5 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#242 richardson not working -- bad h igpis Defect major FP coding/compilation FLEXPART-WRF
#119 random numbers with fixed seeds in convective scheme igpis Defect major FP physics/numerics FLEXPART-WRF
#216 how to know endpoint of each released particle igpis Defect minor FP input data FLEXPART-WRF
#169 Seg fault - particles moving out of ABL by hor. diffusion jbrioude Defect major FP physics/numerics FLEXPART-WRF
#222 Richardson Failure - Flexpart WRF 3.3 igpis Support major FP input data FLEXPART-WRF

Status: closed (7 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#239 wrong units for deposition in FLEXPART-WRF? Defect major FP other FLEXPART 9.0.2
#259 did not getting the proper output file Support major FP other FLEXPART-WRF
#209 Out of bounds error pesei Support major FP coding/compilation FLEXPART-WRF
#190 NetCDF: Start+count exceeds dimension bound Support minor FP other FLEXPART-WRF
#159 MPI Compilation adingwell Defect major FP coding/compilation FLEXPART-WRF
#201 Installation issue Support major FP other FLEXPART-WRF
#240 FLEXPART-WRF particle height does not change for 16 hours pesei Support major FP other FLEXPART-WRF
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