Custom Query (10 matches)


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Status: accepted (6 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#94 Code review for changeset 27 / hasod pesei Task major FLEXPART 9.2 beta
#101 Code review for changeset 31 / hasod pesei Task major FLEXPART 9.2 beta
#50 FLEXPART can crash with some GFS data jbrioude Enhancement minor FLEXPART 9.0.2
#115 Bug in readspecies.f90 pesei Defect major FLEXPART 9.0.2
#138 FLEXPART.f90 should not call readpaths with an argument pesei Defect trivial FLEXPART 9.0.2
#139 Bad do-loop in richardson.f90 pesei Defect minor FLEXPART 9.0.2

Status: closed (4 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#45 Consolidation of various code changes ignacio Task major fixed
#24 Namelist option for input files ignacio Enhancement major none fixed
#41 header file in ASCII ignacio Enhancement major fixed
#11 readpartpositions.f90 seems to have a flawed value check ignacio Defect minor FLEXPART 9.0.2 fixed
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