

May 28, 2018:

6:07 PM Ticket #192 (Issue during install of FLEXPARTv9.3.) closed by pesei
worksforme: This seems to be a bug in the gfortran implementation on MacOS, as …

May 23, 2018:

5:33 PM FpPublications edited by pesei
update 2018 paper counts (diff)

May 22, 2018:

10:54 PM Changeset in flex_extract.git [ccab809]ctbtodev by Anne Philipp <anne.philipp@…>
further improved plotting routine for date selection
2:40 PM Changeset in flexpart.git [505a96e]10.4.1_peseiGFS_025bugfixes+enhancementsdevrelease-10release-10.4.1scaling-bugunivie by Ignacio Pisso <Ignacio.Pisso@…>
Pull: Merge branch 'dev' of https://git.nilu.no/flexpart/flexpart into dev

May 15, 2018:

3:26 PM FpInputMetGfs edited by pesei
a bit of clarification (diff)
1:13 PM FpInputMetGfs edited by pesei
11:07 AM Ticket #195 (Help with input file and available) closed by pesei
invalid: The purpose of the ticket system is to report bugs and feature …
11:01 AM Ticket #194 (Flexpart from apt-get install) closed by pesei
10:35 AM Ticket #195 (Help with input file and available) created by jaxelsson
Hi! I'm completely new to the Flexpart model, and I'm trying to …

May 14, 2018:

10:12 PM Changeset in flex_extract.git [812283d]ctbtodev by Anne Philipp <anne.philipp@…>
changed Control to ControlFile? class
10:11 PM Changeset in flex_extract.git [991df6a]ctbtodev by Anne Philipp <anne.philipp@…>
finished documentation (except plot_retrieved)

May 10, 2018:

8:57 AM Ticket #194 (Flexpart from apt-get install) created by jaxelsson
Hi! Just wondering where to find all the f90 files from the install …

May 9, 2018:

12:15 PM Changeset in flex_extract.git [efdb01a]ctbtodev by Anne Philipp <anne.philipp@…>
whole bunch of modifications due to new structure of ECMWFDATA, added …

May 7, 2018:

1:51 PM Ticket #193 (Wrong date format in output filename) created by anphi
While using FLEPXARTv8.2.3 I found a wrong date format in some of the …
1:03 PM DevelopersListing edited by anphi
updated contributions of ANPHI (diff)
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.
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