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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#229 fixed flex_extract requires grib_api even when run in gateway mode anphi ahilboll

I've installed flex_extract in version 7.0.4, following the instructions given in the SIP.pdf file, section 3.2.2, "Installation using a gateway server".

This works fine, I can submit jobs by running on my local machine, so far so good.

However, I noted that in order to run on my local machine, I need to have *grib_api* installed locally, which doesn't seem to make sense, as all the computations are being carried out on ECMWF servers.

I would suggest to modify so that the from GribTools import GribTools comes inside the if args.queue==None block.

Actually, now that I look at the code, it seems to me that GribTools is not used at all in, so one should be able to just delete that line.

#246 fixed Compilation error with Intel Fortran ignacio ahilboll

When trying to compile the release-10 branch with Intel ifort, I get the error

ifort -c -I/opt/software/eb/software/ecCodes/2.12.5-iimpi-2019a/include -I/opt/software/eb/software/netCDF-Fortran/4.4.5-iimpi-2019a/include -O3  -g -fpp -fp-model source -mcmodel=medium -unroll -ipo -inline -heap-arrays 32 -xHost -traceback assignland.f90
concoutput_inversion.f90(357): error #6503: This keyword is invalid for this intrinsic procedure reference.   [UNIT]
            call flush(unit=unitrelnames)
compilation aborted for concoutput_inversion.f90 (code 1)
make: *** [concoutput_inversion.o] Fehler 1

Compilation succeeds when I remove the call from that line, as shown in this patch:

diff --git a/src/concoutput_inversion.f90 b/src/concoutput_inversion.f90
index fb327cf..9562bd2 100644
--- a/src/concoutput_inversion.f90
+++ b/src/concoutput_inversion.f90
@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ subroutine concoutput_inversion(itime,outnum,gridtotalunc,wetgridtotalunc, &
             open(unit=unitrelnames, file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'releases_out',form='formatted', &
                  & access='APPEND', iostat=ierr)
             write(unitrelnames,'(a)') areldate//areltime//'_'//anspec
-            call flush(unit=unitrelnames)
+            flush(unit=unitrelnames)

After checking, it seems that recent Fortran compilers don't need the call any more. And indeed, on our system (gfortran 6.3.0) the modified code compiles as well.

So I suggest to apply the above patch.

#55 fixed Particles over highest model level hasod alaedera

When running FLEXPART 9.1 in global domainfilling mode, particles make it over the highest model level. Eventhough this is observed rarely, it results in a crash with division by zero error.

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