Custom Query (210 matches)


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Results (91 - 93 of 210)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#187 fixed ECMWF data retrieval software, V4.1 for 2017 data pesei gtong

Dear FLEXPART utilizator,

I am trying to extract ECMWF windfield with ECMWF data retrieval software V4.1 on ecgate to use in FLEXPART_9.02 for windfiled in 2017.

First, I had some problem to compile source.tar that I fixed by deleted one compiler option. By Now I have one problem to extract the data every 3 hours, the run seems to work for the first day but then the second day, I have the error "ENFILE does not exist", actually, the program did not create some intermediates file as 003 (hour).

Does anyone have a program for data extraction in 2017 or a solution to this problem?

Thank you in advance

Sincerely Gisèle Krysztofiak

#196 wontfix Wrong version string in FLEXPART v10.2 ignacio harish

(was: How to download FLEXPART v10.2?)

Hi Link to download version 10.2 of FLEXPART on site contains version 10.1beta. I also tried downloading development version using "git" but that leads download of version 9.2.

I want to have version 10.2 as it supports backward mode with MPI. Can someone please point me where from I can download version 10.2 or later version?

Thanking you.


#78 fixed Please assign me rights to check in code into the trunk admin hasod
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