Custom Query (210 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#319 fixed Available file pesei ashalsabila

what could be the reason tha the AVAILABLE file cannot be open?

I'm using flexpart 9.02, when I run FLEXPART_ECMWF_GFORTRAN command I got this message

Welcome to FLEXPART Version 9.0
 FLEXPART is free software released under the GNU General Public License.
  #### CANNOT BE OPENED           ####

Please help!

#320 fixed Backward trajectory of PM ashalsabila

I plan to do backward trajectory of particulate matter with different diameter (PM10, PM2,5, PM1, and PM0,1) with no information about it's chemical composition, is it possible?

#224 fixed on ecgate, ECCODES ERRORS : Maximum value out of range: inf anphi bsteil

Dear Flex_EXTRACT developers or users,

I'm trying to extract fields at ECMWF on ecgate. flex_extract_v7.0.4 or flex_extract_v7.0.3 always produce the same error:

ECCODES ERROR   :  Maximum value out of range: inf.

This happens, when executes The downloading of the data from MARS archive works without problems. The error Maximum value out of range: inf also occurs, if I use the module grip_api instead of eccodes. What I'm doing wrong?

My installation process : I have installed flex_extract_v7.0.4 directly on ecgate and I directly execute it there. The gfortran I'm using is: /usr/local/apps/gcc/6.3.0/bin/gfortran

I have loaded the required modules in this order: python 2.7.12-01 , jasper 1.900.1 , eccodes 2.9.2 , fftw 3.3.4 , emos 458

I have compiled the code in the subdirectory python with: ./ --target=local --makefile=Makefile.gfortran Compilation is successful, no problems, no warnings here.

After inserting DAY1 20180711 and DAY2 20180711 in CONTROL.temp, I run the model on ecgate with following command:

./ --controlfile CONTROL.temp --inputdir /scratch/ms/datex/dw0/FLEXPART/INPUT --outputdir / scratch/ms/datex/dw0/FLEXPART/OUTPUT

After the successful download of the data from MARS-archive and the creation of a lot of flux and fort files the process crashes with the following error message:

ECCODES ERROR   :  Maximum value out of range: inf
ECCODES ERROR   :  unable to compute packing parameters

ECCODES ERROR   :  unable to set double array codedValues (Encoding invalid)
ECCODES ERROR   :  set: values Encoding invalid
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 115, in <module>
  File "./", line 59, in main
  File "/home/ms/datex/dw0/FLEXPART/flex_extract_v7.0.4/flex_extract/python/", line  96, in prepareFLEXPART    flexpart.create(inputfiles, c) # produce FLEXPART-ready GRIB files
  File "/home/ms/datex/dw0/FLEXPART/flex_extract_v7.0.4/flex_extract/python/", line    1468, in create
  File "/usr/local/apps/python/2.7.12-01/lib/python2.7/", line 541, in check_call
    raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['/home/ms/datex/dw0/FLEXPART/flex_extract_v7.0.4/flex_extract/python/../src//CONVERT2']' returned non-zero exit status 242

The same happens using flex_extract_v7.0.3. I have also tested other control files. Always the same error.

Thank you very much, with kind regards,

Benedikt Steil

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