Custom Query (210 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#324 fixed flex_extract on Atos HPCF (ECMWF) in Bologna pesei rcesari

Is the procedure for installing flex_extract on the ECMWF servers Atos HPCF in Bologna available?

#130 fixed flex_extract (was: ECMWFDATA) 7.0 test version leohaim leohaim

Dear FLEXPART users,

a new version 7.0 of the ECMWFDATA software (also known as flex_extract, see FpInputMetEcmwf) used for retrieving ECMWF input data for FLEXPART is available for testing. Some preliminary documentation is attached as well.


  1. It uses WebMARS for data retrieval as default, although the conventional retrieval via ecgate or the HPC is still supported.
  2. Most parts are now written in python
  3. The scripts are prepared to be embedded in the FLEXPART file tree and support features in FLEXPART 10, e.g. retrieval of cloud water content or production of input files on height levels (.fp files)
  4. experimental support for retrieval of input files for WRF in addition to those for FLEXPART
  5. Support for retrieving long (>24h) range forecasts

This is a test version, so there are likely some bugs or gaps in the documentation. Any feedback is appreciated.

The tarball that includes a Software Installation Protocol and a Software User Tutorial can be downloaded as

With best regards,

Leo Haimberger

#109 fixed error when compiling the flexwrf3.2 with netcdf 4.0 jbrioude koala2014

Hi, When I compile the flexwrf3.2 beta with netcdf 4.0.1, the errors was accured as follows : pgf90 -c -I/home/weipeng/programfile/lib/netcdf4.0.1-pgi10/include -fastsse -mcmodel=medium write_ncheader.f90 PGF90-S-0038-Symbol, nf_netcdf4, has not been explicitly declared (write_ncheader.f90) PGF90-S-0038-Symbol, nf_def_var_deflate, has not been explicitly declared (write_ncheader.f90)

0 inform, 0 warnings, 2 severes, 0 fatal for write_ncheader

There was no errors while compiling the *.f file but the script stoped when making the excute file. I don't konw how to solve it and any helps will be appreciate. Thanks!

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