Custom Query (6 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Keywords Status Owner Type Priority
#168 the coordinate transfo error exceeds 0.02*dx coordinate transform, mercator grid reopened adingwell Support minor
#173 Variables "settling" and "idummy" not properly initialized in advance.f variable initialization accepted pesei Defect major
#216 how to know endpoint of each released particle endpoint, Particle ID number assigned igpis Defect minor
#252 FLEXPART-WRF crashes for array bound mismatch mpi, sendint_mpi new Defect major
#293 FLEXPART-WRF takes wrong OUTGRID information nesting new Defect major
#311 flex_extract 7.1.2 local extraction no flux data No flux data contained in GRIB file accepted anphi Defect major
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.
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