Custom Query (210 matches)


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Results (40 - 42 of 210)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#53 somebody jbrioude fixed FLEXPART-WRF v3.1

Dear Flexpart users,

A new version of FLEXPART-WRF (version 3.1) is now available for download at

The model description is published at

For those of you who have used FLEXPART-WRF v3.0, version 3.1 has some bugfixes and we recommend you to use the latest version. A bug was found related to the sign of the sensible heat flux read from WRF which subsequently made FLEXPART-WRF underestimate the turbulence in a convective PBL in the Hanna scheme, and overestimate it in stable conditions. This bug doesn’t affect FLEXPART-ECMWF. Minor fixes were also applied to the skewed PBL scheme (CBL), to the PBL schemes that use TKE, and the NetCDF FLEXPART-WRF output format when a nested domain is used. Detailed explanations can be found at

Kind Regards

#55 hasod alaedera fixed Particles over highest model level

When running FLEXPART 9.1 in global domainfilling mode, particles make it over the highest model level. Eventhough this is observed rarely, it results in a crash with division by zero error.

#62 somebody marine worksforme error reading ECMWF grib files, gridcheck.f90


I have a problem when running Flexpart using ECMWF with a gfortran compiler. An error message appears :

'*ERROR: input file needs to contain GRiB1 formatted messages'

I found that the problem comes from the file "gridcheck.f90":

! ! GET NEXT FIELDS ! call grib_new_from_file(ifile,igrib,iret) if (iret.eq.GRIB_END_OF_FILE ) then

goto 30 ! EOF DETECTED

I can not find why it does not work. I can make it work by modifying gridcheck.f90 and writing a list of every name of the wind field that will be used for the run, but this is constraining and I am not sure how many fields are taken into account for the spin up.

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