Custom Query (210 matches)


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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#42 anphi pesei worksforme ECMWF pre-processor too heavy

(from minutes of FpDev Workshop 2012)

The current ECMWF data pre-processor needs excessive cpu resources; the retrieval of global high-resolution ECMWF data currently only works on the ECMWF HPC system;

ZAMG/Matthias is ready to look into that, and to propose updates;

Standard FLEXPART input data sets (e.g., global 0.5 degrees) could be stored at ECMWF for direct download for the FLEXPART community (ZAMG)

#45 ignacio pesei fixed Consolidation of various code changes

(from minutes of FpDev Workshop 2013) Consolidate code changes into new version. NILU will collect the code changes made by various people and consolidate them into a new official release.

#46 pesei pesei fixed Version policy / Roadmap

(from minutes of FpDev Workshop 2012)

The introduction of a version policy is regarded as necessary; a new FLEXPART version should be introduced not more than once a year

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