Custom Query (210 matches)


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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#4 admin pesei fixed tarball contains MacOS file

The tarball of download:16 contains a file .DS_Store which is typical for MacOS. Unpacking the tar on ecaccess gives a checksum error.

All tarballs should be checked for such files and recreated without.

#22 ignacio dearn fixed dates file updated before end of execution

Maybe we could consider updating the file "dates" on the fly. Sometimes FLEXPART may crash for other reasons than the model and yet you want to work with the results.

It is not problematic to manually (or by a script) generate it a posteriori, but it maybe it could be considered as a small enhancement in newer versions if it is worth the effort.

#107 jbrioude chenbin fixed why the values for the potential voricity output are zero?

I have tried to run flexpart-wrf with different version(from 3.0 to 3.2). However, I found the valuse of potential voricity equal zeros, while I set particle dump for every output interval. Is any bugs in the programes? thanks for your help in advance.

BTW: There seems a bug in convmix_kfeta.f90 programe, if set variable "maxpar" not equal "numpart", which could make the value of "maxval(igrid)" too big and programe stop at the line of "too much x and y grid modify convmix_kfeta.f". This bug could be solved by add another loop behind the line 154.

do ipart=1,maxpart igrid(ipart)=-1 enddo

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