Source code for prepare_flexpart

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Author: Anne Fouilloux (University of Oslo)
# @Date: October 2014
# @Change History:
#    November 2015 - Leopold Haimberger (University of Vienna):
#        - using the WebAPI also for general MARS retrievals
#        - job submission on ecgate and cca
#        - job templates suitable for twice daily operational dissemination
#        - dividing retrievals of longer periods into digestable chunks
#        - retrieve also longer-term forecasts, not only analyses and
#          short-term forecast data
#        - conversion into GRIB2
#    February 2018 - Anne Philipp (University of Vienna):
#        - applied PEP8 style guide
#        - added documentation
#        - minor changes in programming style for consistence
#        - BUGFIX: removed call of clean_up-Function after call of
#               prepareFlexpart in main since it is already called in
#               prepareFlexpart at the end!
#        - created function main and moved the two function calls for
#          arguments and prepare_flexpart into it
# @License:
#    (C) Copyright 2014-2020.
#    Anne Philipp, Leopold Haimberger
#    SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0
#    This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
#    International License. To view a copy of this license, visit
# or send a letter to
#    Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
# *******************************************************************************
# pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports
# not necessary that we group the imports
'''This script prepares the final version of the grib files which are
then used by FLEXPART.

It converts the bunch of grib files extracted via get_mars_data before,
by doing the necessary conversion to obtain consistent grids or the
disaggregation of flux data. Finally, the data fields are combined
in files per hour available with the naming convention xxYYMMDDHH,
where xx should be 2 arbitrary letters (mostly xx is chosen to be "EN").

This file can also be imported as a module which then contains the following

    * main
    * prepare_flexpart

Type: --help
to get information about command line parameters.
Read the documentation for usage instructions.

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
from __future__ import print_function

import datetime
import os
import inspect
import sys

# software specific classes and modules from flex_extract
# add path to local main python path for flex_extract to get full access
    inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()))) + '/../')
# pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
#import _config
from Mods.checks import check_ppid
from Classes.UioFiles import UioFiles
#from Classes.ControlFile import ControlFile
from import (setup_controldata, clean_up, make_dir, normal_exit)
from Classes.EcFlexpart import EcFlexpart
# pylint: enable=wrong-import-position

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def main(): '''Controls the program to prepare FLEXPART input files from MARS data. This is done if called directly from the command line. Then, arguments and control file are taken as input. Parameters ---------- Return ------ ''' c, ppid, _, _ = setup_controldata() prepare_flexpart(ppid, c) normal_exit('Preparing FLEXPART output files: Done!') return
[docs]def prepare_flexpart(ppid, c): '''Converts the MARS data into files ready as input for FLEXPART. Certain fields are converted to a different grid and the flux data are disaggregated. Fields are collected by hour and stored in a file with a specific naming convention. Parameters ---------- ppid : int Contains the ppid number of the current ECMWF job. It will be None if the method was called within this module. c : ControlFile Contains all the parameters of CONTROL file and command line. Return ------ ''' check_ppid(c, ppid) # create the start and end date start =[:4]), month=int(c.start_date[4:6]), day=int(c.start_date[6:])) end =[:4]), month=int(c.end_date[4:6]), day=int(c.end_date[6:])) # if basetime is 00 # assign starting date minus 1 day # since we need the 12 hours upfront # (the day before from 12 UTC to current day 00 UTC) if c.basetime == 0: start = start - datetime.timedelta(days=1) print('Prepare ' + start.strftime("%Y%m%d") + '/to/' + end.strftime("%Y%m%d")) # create output dir if necessary if not os.path.exists(c.outputdir): make_dir(c.outputdir) # get all files with flux data to be deaccumulated inputfiles = UioFiles(c.inputdir, '*OG_acc_SL*.' + str(c.ppid) + '.*') # deaccumulate the flux data flexpart = EcFlexpart(c, fluxes=True) flexpart.write_namelist(c) flexpart.deacc_fluxes(inputfiles, c) # get a list of all other files inputfiles = UioFiles(c.inputdir, '????__??.*' + str(c.ppid) + '.*') # produce FLEXPART-ready GRIB files and process them - # copy/transfer/interpolate them or make them GRIB2 flexpart = EcFlexpart(c, fluxes=False) flexpart.create(inputfiles, c) if == 'elda' and c.doubleelda: flexpart.calc_extra_elda(c.inputdir, c.prefix) flexpart.process_output(c) # check if in debugging mode, then store all files # otherwise delete temporary files if c.debug: print('\nTemporary files left intact') else: clean_up(c) return
if __name__ == "__main__": main()