Source code for get_mars_data

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Author: Anne Fouilloux (University of Oslo)
# @Date: October 2014
# @Change History:
#    November 2015 - Leopold Haimberger (University of Vienna):
#        - moved the getEIdata program into a function "get_mars_data"
#        - moved the AgurmentParser into a separate function
#        - adapted the function for use in flex_extract
#        - renamed source file to get_mars_data
#    February 2018 - Anne Philipp (University of Vienna):
#        - applied PEP8 style guide
#        - added structured documentation
#        - minor changes in programming style for consistence
#        - added function main and moved function calls vom __main__ there
#          (necessary for better documentation with docstrings for later
#          online documentation)
#        - use of UIFiles class for file selection and deletion
#        - separated get_mars_data function into several smaller pieces:
#          write_reqheader, mk_server, mk_dates, remove_old, do_retrievment
# @License:
#    (C) Copyright 2014-2020.
#    Anne Philipp, Leopold Haimberger
#    SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0
#    This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
#    International License. To view a copy of this license, visit
# or send a letter to
#    Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
'''This script extracts MARS data from ECMWF.

At first, the necessary parameters from command line and CONTROL files are
extracted. They define the data set to be extracted from MARS.

This file can also be imported as a module and contains the following

    * main            - the main function of the script
    * get_mars_data   - overall control of ECMWF data retrievment
    * write_reqheader - writes the header into the mars_request file
    * mk_server       - creates the server connection to ECMWF servers
    * mk_dates        - defines the start and end date
    * remove_old      - deletes old retrieved grib files
    * do_retrieval    - creates individual retrievals

Type --help
to get information about command line parameters.
Read the documentation for usage instructions.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
from __future__ import print_function

import os
import sys
import inspect
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

# software-specific classes and modules from flex_extract
# add path to local main Python path for flex_extract to get full access
    inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()))) + '/../')
# pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
import _config
from import (setup_controldata, my_error, normal_exit, make_dir)
from Classes.EcFlexpart import EcFlexpart
from Classes.UioFiles import UioFiles
from Classes.MarsRetrieval import MarsRetrieval
# pylint: enable=wrong-import-position
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
    ec_api = True
    import ecmwfapi
except ImportError:
    ec_api = False

    cds_api = True
    import cdsapi
except ImportError:
    cds_api = False
# pylint: enable=invalid-name
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def main(): '''Controls the program to retrieve data from MARS. This is done if called directly from command line. Then, arguments and control file are taken as input. Parameters ---------- Return ------ ''' c, _, _, _ = setup_controldata() get_mars_data(c) normal_exit('Retrieving MARS data: Done!') return
[docs]def get_mars_data(c): '''Retrieves the ECMWF data required for a FLEXPART simulation. Start and end dates for retrieval period are set. Retrievals are divided into shorter periods if necessary and if datechunk parameter is set. Parameters ---------- c : ControlFile Contains all the parameters of CONTROL file and command line. Return ------ ''' c.ec_api = ec_api c.cds_api = cds_api if not os.path.exists(c.inputdir): make_dir(c.inputdir) if c.request == 0: print("Retrieving ECMWF data!") else: if c.request == 1: print("Printing MARS requests!") elif c.request == 2: print("Retrieving ECMWF data and printing MARS request!") write_reqheader(os.path.join(c.inputdir, _config.FILE_MARS_REQUESTS)) print("start date %s " % (c.start_date)) print("end date %s " % (c.end_date)) server = mk_server(c) # if data are to be retrieved, clean up any old grib files if c.request == 0 or c.request == 2: remove_old('*grb', c.inputdir) # -------------- flux data ------------------------------------------------ start, end, datechunk = mk_dates(c, fluxes=True) do_retrievement(c, server, start, end, datechunk, fluxes=True) # -------------- non flux data -------------------------------------------- start, end, datechunk = mk_dates(c, fluxes=False) do_retrievement(c, server, start, end, datechunk, fluxes=False) return
[docs]def write_reqheader(marsfile): '''Writes header with column names into MARS request file. Parameters ---------- marsfile : str Path to the MARS request file. Return ------ ''' MR = MarsRetrieval(None, None) attrs = vars(MR).copy() del attrs['server'] del attrs['public'] with open(marsfile, 'w') as f: f.write('request_number' + ', ') f.write(', '.join(str(key) for key in sorted(attrs.keys()))) f.write('\n') return
[docs]def mk_server(c): '''Creates a server connection with available Python API. The API selected depends on availability and the data set to be retrieved. The CDS API is used for ERA5 data, no matter whether the user is a member-state or a public user. ECMWF WebAPI is used for all other available datasets. Parameters ---------- c : ControlFile Contains all the parameters of CONTROL file and command line. Return ------ server : ECMWFDataServer, ECMWFService or Client Connection to ECMWF server via python interface ECMWF WebAPI or CDS API. ''' if cds_api and (c.marsclass.upper() == 'EA'): server = cdsapi.Client() c.ec_api = False elif c.ec_api: if c.public: server = ecmwfapi.ECMWFDataServer() else: server = ecmwfapi.ECMWFService("mars") c.cds_api = False else: server = False print('Using ECMWF WebAPI: ' + str(c.ec_api)) print('Using CDS API: ' + str(c.cds_api)) return server
[docs]def check_dates_for_nonflux_fc_times(types, times): '''Checks if the time 18UTC corresponds to forecast field. Parameters ---------- types : list of str List of field types. times : list of str or str The time in hours of the field. Return ------ True or False ''' for ty, ti in zip(types, times): if ty.upper() == 'FC' and int(ti) == 18: return True return False
[docs]def mk_dates(c, fluxes): '''Prepares start and end date depending on flux or non-flux type of data. If forecasts for a maximum of one day (24 h) are to be retrieved, then collect accumulation data (flux data) with additional days in the beginning and at the end (needed for complete disaggregation of original period) If forecast data for more than +24 h are to be retrieved, then collect accumulation data (flux data) with the exact start and end date (disaggregation will be done for the exact time period with boundary conditions) Since for basetime the extraction contains the 12 hours upfront, if basetime is 0, the starting date has to be the day before Parameters ---------- c : ControlFile Contains all the parameters of CONTROL file and command line. fluxes : boolean, optional Decides if the flux parameter settings are stored or the rest of the parameter list. Default value is False. Return ------ start : datetime The start date of the retrieving data set. end : datetime The end date of the retrieving data set. chunk : datetime Time period in days for one single mars retrieval. ''' start = datetime.strptime(c.start_date, '%Y%m%d') end = datetime.strptime(c.end_date, '%Y%m%d') chunk = timedelta(days=int(c.date_chunk)) if c.basetime == 0: start = start - timedelta(days=1) if c.purefc and fluxes and c.maxstep < 24: start = start - timedelta(days=1) end = end + timedelta(days=1) if not c.purefc and fluxes and not c.basetime == 0: start = start - timedelta(days=1) end = end + timedelta(days=1) # if we have non-flux forecast data starting at 18 UTC # we need to start retrieving data one day in advance if not fluxes and check_dates_for_nonflux_fc_times(c.type, c.time): start = start - timedelta(days=1) return start, end, chunk
[docs]def remove_old(pattern, inputdir): '''Deletes old retrieval files from current input directory matching the pattern. Parameters ---------- pattern : str The substring pattern which identifies the files to be deleted. inputdir : str, optional Path to the directory where the retrieved data are stored. Return ------ ''' print('... removing old files in ' + inputdir) tobecleaned = UioFiles(inputdir, pattern) tobecleaned.delete_files() return
[docs]def do_retrievement(c, server, start, end, delta_t, fluxes=False): '''Divides the total retrieval period into smaller chunks and retrieves the data from MARS. Parameters ---------- c : ControlFile Contains all the parameters of CONTROL file and command line. server : ECMWFService or ECMWFDataServer The server connection to ECMWF. start : datetime The start date of the retrieval. end : datetime The end date of the retrieval. delta_t : datetime Delta_t + 1 is the maximum time period of a single retrieval. fluxes : boolean, optional Decides if the flux parameters are to be retrieved or the rest of the parameter list. Default value is False. Return ------ ''' # since actual day also counts as one day, # we only need to add datechunk - 1 days to retrieval for a period delta_t_m1 = delta_t - timedelta(days=1) day = start while day <= end: flexpart = EcFlexpart(c, fluxes) tmpday = day + delta_t_m1 if tmpday < end: dates = day.strftime("%Y%m%d") + "/to/" + \ tmpday.strftime("%Y%m%d") else: dates = day.strftime("%Y%m%d") + "/to/" + \ end.strftime("%Y%m%d") print("... retrieve " + dates + " in dir " + c.inputdir) try: flexpart.retrieve(server, dates, c.public, c.request, c.inputdir) except IOError: my_error('MARS request failed') day += delta_t return
if __name__ == "__main__": main()