Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of FpCodingStandard

Jul 3, 2015, 3:37:24 PM (9 years ago)

more on indentation


  • FpCodingStandard

    v6 v7  
    88  3. As much as possible, ''integer'' variables should have names starting with `i,j,k,l,m,n`, and don't use ''real'' variable names with these initials.[[br]]Typically, `i` and `r` or `x` can be placed in front of any other name to make it conform this specification.
    10   4. Use indentations for loops, `if`-statements, etc. From start till end of loop, all code lines should be indented by 2 spaces; nested loops should have multiple indentations so that the looping level is always clear. Because of automatic transcription to F90 standards, a lot of this has been lost and we should try to reintroduce this whereever it has been lost. Indenting by whitespace only, not tab characters (check your editor settings!).
     10  4. Use indentations for loops, `if`-statements, etc.
     11    - From start till end of loop, all code lines should be indented by 2 spaces;
     12    - nested loops should have multiple indentations so that the looping level is always clear. 
     13    - Indenting by whitespace only, not tab characters (check your editor settings!)
     14    - Continuation lines can be indented by >2 chars, 3 is preferred
     15    - long DO .. END DO loops should in addition be [FpCodingStandardSanmpleNamedloop named] so that the matching END DO is easly identified
     16    - we use ELSEIF and ENDIF (written together) but END DO (maybe unify later)
    1218  5. Variables that are passed between subroutines should be marked in the subroutine as input (`i)`, output (`o`) or both (`i/o`) when values are changed both in the subroutine and in other routines. This should be done just below the subroutine statement. Again, this has become a mess because of the automatic transcription. We will try to make it systematic again.