
Version 4 (modified by dearn, 9 years ago) (diff)


FLEXPART Developer Workshop April 2015

4th FLEXPART developer workshop.

Place: ZAMG, Vienna, Austria

Time: 16 April 2016, 16:00 - 19:00 CET

Tentative Agenda

Time Affiliation / Presenter Contribution
16:00 - 16:15 ZAMG Welcome and agenda agreement
16:15 - 16:45 NILU Updates on current work by developers on new version of FLEXPART
16:45 - 17:15 Univie Updates on deposition schemes and test environment
17:15 - 17:30 Univie Updates on ECMWF extraction routines
17:30 - 18:00 UAF Presentation of the CTBTO Flexpart project
18:00 - 18:30 ZAMG Discussion on communication procedures between developers
hosted by ZAMG