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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#299 Synchronised FPv9.3.2 with current CTBTO version donaldjmorton

This ticket serves as notification/documentation of a change made to the Flexpart CTBTO (v9.3.2) branch.

By request, I have updated the FPv9.3.2 branch so that it is identical to the master branch being stored internally at CTBTO. The only change this presents is that a new utility (developed in Spring 2020), checkgrib, was added in flexpart_code/checkgrib/

This tool is used internally for checking various attributes of GRIB files before actually running in FLEXPART, with the intent of finding majour problems in GRIB files before wasting time on a simulation.

Documentation is available in flexpart_code/checkgrib/

Additionally, I created tag FPv9.3.2f for this current version.

#136 fixed various compilation problems pesei ebilgic


I have been studying atmospheric dispersion of radionuclides origin a nuclear accident and I want to use flexpart for this purpose. I have been trying to compile flexpart for few months but I have encountered with some problems.

  1. Any version of Flexpart which I used needs a file, "grib_api.mod", and current versions of grib_api doesn't create this file. Therfore I use an old version of grib_api (1.9.5).
  1. Flexpart 9.2 doen't work because erf.f90 file has some problems. So I have to use flexpart 8.2 or flexpart 9.2-beta.
  1. There are some warnings, when Flexpart 8.2 (32 bit or 64 bit) compiles. (Deleted features: Pause statement at (1)). I guess it is about fortran language. The compilation doesn't stop becase they are only warning. But after complete the conversion of all fortran file to object file, compilation always stops suddenly.
  1. There are no warnings or errors in Flexpart 9.2. But after complete the conversion of all fortran file to object file, compilation always stops suddenly, too.

As a result I cannot compile flexpart. I don't understand what my fault is?

#144 fixed Producing Meteorology Data ebilgic

I have used real weather data from GFS for input in FLEXPART 8.2 but I want to imaginary data which I can edit.

Is it possibble to produce our met. data for Flexpart?

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