Custom Query (210 matches)


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Results (58 - 60 of 210)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#262 fixed FIX: Makefile naming in flex_extract v7.1 in documentation anphi anphi

The on-line documentation still contains the old makefile names.

#264 fixed FIX: Update makefile for ECMWF server in flex_extract v7.1 pesei anphi

The makefiles for ECMWF server are not up-to-date and still search for .f files. Fortran files were changed to .f90 recently.

The task is to check all makefiles, correct them and check them for all application modes and all platforms.

#47 fixed FLEXPART Logo admin pesei

The new FLEXPART logo should be made available in various resolutions and if possible also in vector format in the downloads.

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