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Results (52 - 54 of 210)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#229 fixed flex_extract requires grib_api even when run in gateway mode anphi ahilboll

I've installed flex_extract in version 7.0.4, following the instructions given in the SIP.pdf file, section 3.2.2, "Installation using a gateway server".

This works fine, I can submit jobs by running on my local machine, so far so good.

However, I noted that in order to run on my local machine, I need to have *grib_api* installed locally, which doesn't seem to make sense, as all the computations are being carried out on ECMWF servers.

I would suggest to modify so that the from GribTools import GribTools comes inside the if args.queue==None block.

Actually, now that I look at the code, it seems to me that GribTools is not used at all in, so one should be able to just delete that line.

#230 fixed ERA5 retrieval with ECMWF Web API is deprecated; new CDS API is needed anphi anphi

With the end of February 2019, ECMWF will terminate their ECMWF Web API access to ERA5 data.

This is because the C3S (Copernicus Climate Change Service) has build a new service, the Climate Data Store (CDS) Up to now, they provide online access to a limited set of ERA5 pressure and single level data. The rest is still archived in MARS on ECMWF servers. At some point in time, they will move all ERA5 data to the CDS.

Therefore a new feature for flex_extract have to be added to support ERA5 data download with the new CDS API

#251 fixed Installation issue with Flex_extract_v7.0.4 anphi nanditha

I'm trying to install FLEX_EXTRACT 7.0.4 locally using the command ./ --target=local --makefile=Makefile.local.gfortan but it is not reading the target.

I'm getting an error message

cal --makefile=Makefile.local.gfortan

File "./", line 60

print 'Please specify installation target (local|ecgate|cca)'

SyntaxError?: invalid syntax

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