Custom Query (210 matches)


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Results (40 - 42 of 210)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#57 fixed Wrong version strings in header and header_nest files anphi radekhofman

When reading outputs from FLEXPART 9.0, there are different version strings in header_nest and header files: header_nest contains "FLEXPART V8.2" and header contains "FLEXPART V9.0" which is confusing.

For reading headers I used module: "Reading and unpacking routines from J.Brioude (NOAA)".

#61 fixed Wrong physical half-life of Xe-133 - SPECIES_021 saeck radekhofman

Physical half-life of SPECIES_021 (Xe-133) is set to 198720.0 sec, which corresponds to 2.3 days but it should be approx. 5.245 days.

#267 fixed setting up flexpartwrf for radionuclide dispersion at meso-scale pesei rabida

Dear all,

I want to simulate radionuclide atmospheric dispersion at meso-scale related to an hypothetical accidental release from UAE Barakah Nuclear Power Plant. My WRF domain is 218 per 179 points with 5 km resolution.

Question 1: What would be a reasonable number of Lagrangian particles to use for this application. Is 2 millions particles is enough ? Question 2: For Cs-137/and I-131 (in its particulate form). What typical values to specify for the mean particulate diameter and the standard deviation for these species.

Question 3: Any thoughts for including the emission due to re-suspension.

Thank you very much for your feedback

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