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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#225 anphi anphi invalid flex_extract v7.0.4

Dear FLEXPART users,

we prepared a bugfix version for flex_extract v7.0.3 used for retrieving ECMWF input data for FLEXPART. This was necessary since there were errors in ERA5 and CERA retrievals. Also, there were some other problems.


  • This version can now retrieve ERA5 and CERA data.
  • It can retrieve public datasets by using the command line parameter public
  • It can write an extra file mars_requests.csv which contains all mars request parameters for each request. Use the command line pararmeter request
  • It can retrieve analysis and forecast ensembles efficiently e.g. by setting number=0/to/9. In this case output files get an additional suffix for the ensemble member number.


On ecgate we use the following module packages:

  • jasper/1.900.1(default)
  • eccodes/2.9.2(nov18:default)
  • ecfs/2.2.5(nov18:test:new:prodn:default)
  • python/2.7.12-01(may18:new:default)
  • ecaccess/4.0.2(default)
  • fftw/3.3.4(default)
  • emos/455-r64

Please be aware that all of the above packages are the current default versions except for emos! This is important since emos/458 does not work!


The tarball that includes a Software Installation Protocol and a Software User Tutorial can be downloaded here flex_extract v7.0.4

With best regards,

Anne Philipp and Leopold Haimberger

#329 cluekenwinkels fixed Bias of footprint dependant on particle number

Hello, I currently use FLEXPART-WRF in an urban setting on roughly 1 km resolution. In a test for the statistical error due to the limited particle number, I found not only statistical, but systematic differences (bias) between runs with different particle numbers. In particular, the sum of the footprints entries grows with the particle number. As I understand it the footprints' values should not generally grow with larger partical numbers, but become more and more consistent, which is not the case here. The same footprint was calculated for 10, 50, 250, and 500 thousand particles with very different results for the same release location, time and meteorology. The lowest paritcle number is chosen due to the vaule in reviewed papers using FLEXPART-WRF in an urban/meso scale setting:

#1 gewot admin fixed State of the Trac System:

The Ticketing System is now ready as discussed

  • All Developers can issue Tickets and modify them
  • Every developer will be notified of any change on the Tickets
  • The Wiki is modified as discussed
  • All Developers can create pages and modify them (only EXCEPTION is the Frontpage, because its part of the System and not the WIKI)

Further Procedures for the System

  • If you want something changed please write a ticket ("Component System aspects")
  • All developers are notified automatically
  • For any communication between developers, we would also propose to use the ticket system. This will assure that everything is documented and archived for further reference
  • If a proposed change is considered minor, we will implement if no

developer disagrees within 1 working day

  • If a proposed change is considered not minor, we will implement if no developer disagrees within 3 working days, and at least 3 developer agree
  • The system is maintained by ZAMG. As a matter of internal IT security policy, administrator rights are limited to ZAMG IT staff
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