Custom Query (210 matches)


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Results (67 - 69 of 210)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#109 jbrioude koala2014 fixed error when compiling the flexwrf3.2 with netcdf 4.0

Hi, When I compile the flexwrf3.2 beta with netcdf 4.0.1, the errors was accured as follows : pgf90 -c -I/home/weipeng/programfile/lib/netcdf4.0.1-pgi10/include -fastsse -mcmodel=medium write_ncheader.f90 PGF90-S-0038-Symbol, nf_netcdf4, has not been explicitly declared (write_ncheader.f90) PGF90-S-0038-Symbol, nf_def_var_deflate, has not been explicitly declared (write_ncheader.f90)

0 inform, 0 warnings, 2 severes, 0 fatal for write_ncheader

There was no errors while compiling the *.f file but the script stoped when making the excute file. I don't konw how to solve it and any helps will be appreciate. Thanks!

#111 jbrioude firepad fixed where is the MQUASILAG option


I used flexpart-wrf6.2 for INDIVIDUAL track.But I can not found the MQUASILAG (command file 21 opt )in the new flexwrf3.x. I also find that the out put of particles for individual path program and "MQUASILAG=1" was commented in the timemanager.f90. For this reason, I think the first column in the particle output file was the release area only. I don't know where should I find the id of each particles? Thanks!

#112 somebody cillianjoy invalid Flexpart-WRF instaltion issues


I have compiled flexpart-wrf but I get a warning during compilation, as below. The executable is created, but when I run it's 'killed' immediately.

I have set the stack size to be unlimited.

Compilation warning for flexpart-wrf fortran -c -I/usr/local/netcdf/include -m64 -mcmodel=medium -fconvert=little-endian -finit-local-zero -fno-range-check random.f90 random.f90:68.12: 1 v1=2.*ran3(idum)-1.


Warning: Missing actual argument for argument 'inext' at (1) random.f90:69.12:



I have compiled and run flexpart (gfortran). Initially I did have a problem running flexpart. The executable was 'killed' immediately (as above). To compile for GFORTRAN, I had to edit, for flexpart, “erf.f90” to fix an error about real vs double precision. See

gfortran --version GNU Fortran (Ubuntu 4.8.2-19ubuntu1) 4.8.2

Regards, Cillian

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