source: flex_extract.git/for_developers/Sphinx/source/Documentation/Input/templates.rst @ 0b00607

Last change on this file since 0b00607 was 0b00607, checked in by Anne Philipp <anne.philipp@…>, 5 years ago

Documentation status version 0

  • Property mode set to 100644
File size: 11.8 KB


In flex_extract we use the Python package genshi (ref) to create specific files from templates. It is the most efficient way to be able to quickly adapt e.g. the job scripts send to the ECMWF batch queue system or the namelist file für the Fortran program without the need to change the program code.


Usually it is not recommended to change anything in these files without being able to understand the effects.

Each template file has its content framework and keeps so-called placeholder variables in the positions where the values needs to be substituted at run time. These placeholders are marked by a leading $ sign. In case of the Kornshell job scripts, where (environment) variables are used the $ sign needs to be doubled to escape and keep a single $ sign as it is.

The following templates are used and can be found in directory flex_extract_vX.X/Templates:

This is the template for a Fortran namelist file called fort.4 which will be read by CONVERT2. It contains all the parameters CONVERT2 needs.

  maxl = $maxl,
  maxb = $maxb,
  mlevel = $mlevel,
  mlevelist = "$mlevelist",
  mnauf = $mnauf,
  metapar = $metapar,
  rlo0 = $rlo0,
  rlo1 = $rlo1,
  rla0 = $rla0,
  rla1 = $rla1,
  momega = $momega,
  momegadiff = $momegadiff,
  mgauss = $mgauss,
  msmooth = $msmooth,
  meta = $meta,
  metadiff = $metadiff,
  mdpdeta = $mdpdeta


This template is used to create the ECMWF_ENV file in the application modes gateway and remote. It contains the user credentials and gateway server settings for the file transfers.

ECUID $user_name
ECGID $user_group
GATEWAY $gateway_name
DESTINATION $destination_name


This template is used to create the job script file called compilejob.ksh during the installation process for the application modes remote and gateway.

At the beginning some directives for the batch system are set. On the ecgate server the SBATCH comments are the directives for the SLURM workload manager. A description of the single lines can be found at SLURM directives. For the high performance computers cca and ccb the PBS comments are necessary and can be view at PBS directives.

The software environment requirements mentioned in :ref:`ref-requirements` are prepared by loading the corresponding modules depending in the HOST. It should not be changed without testing.


Afterwards the installation steps as such are done. Including the generation of the root directory, putting files in place, compiling the Fortran program and sending a log file via email.


# start with ecaccess-job-submit -queueName ecgb NAME_OF_THIS_FILE  on gateway server
# start with sbatch NAME_OF_THIS_FILE directly on machine

#SBATCH --workdir=/scratch/ms/$usergroup/$username
#SBATCH --qos=normal
#SBATCH --job-name=flex_ecmwf
#SBATCH --output=flex_ecmwf.%j.out
#SBATCH --error=flex_ecmwf.%j.out
#SBATCH --mail-type=FAIL
#SBATCH --time=12:00:00

## CRAY specific batch requests
##PBS -N flex_ecmwf
##PBS -q ns
##PBS -S /usr/bin/ksh
##PBS -o /scratch/ms/$usergroup/$username/flex_ecmwf.$${Jobname}.$${Job_ID}.out
# job output is in .ecaccess_DO_NOT_REMOVE
##PBS -j oe
##PBS -V
##PBS -l EC_threads_per_task=1
##PBS -l EC_memory_per_task=3200MB

set -x
export VERSION=$version_number
case $${HOST} in
  module unload grib_api
  module unload eccodes
  module unload python
  module unload emos
  module load python3
  module load eccodes/2.12.0
  module load emos/455-r64
  export FLEXPART_ROOT_SCRIPTS=$fp_root_scripts
  export MAKEFILE=$makefile
  module unload python
  module switch PrgEnv-cray PrgEnv-intel
  module load python3
  module load eccodes/2.12.0
  module load emos
  echo $${GROUP}
  echo $${HOME}
  echo $${HOME} | awk -F / '{print $1, $2, $3, $4}'
  export GROUP=`echo $${HOME} | awk -F / '{print $4}'`
  export SCRATCH=/scratch/ms/$${GROUP}/$${USER}
  export FLEXPART_ROOT_SCRIPTS=$fp_root_scripts
  export MAKEFILE=$makefile
mkdir -p $${FLEXPART_ROOT_SCRIPTS}/flex_extract_v$${VERSION}
cd $${FLEXPART_ROOT_SCRIPTS}/flex_extract_v$${VERSION}   # if FLEXPART_ROOT is not set this means cd to the home directory
tar -xvf $${HOME}/flex_extract_v$${VERSION}.tar
cd source/fortran
\rm *.o *.mod $fortran_program
make -f $${MAKEFILE} >flexcompile 2>flexcompile
ls -l $fortran_program >>flexcompile
if [ $$? -eq 0 ]; then
  echo 'SUCCESS!' >>flexcompile
  mail -s flexcompile.$${HOST}.$$$$ $${USER} <flexcompile
  echo Environment: >>flexcompile
  env >> flexcompile
  mail -s "ERROR! flexcompile.$${HOST}.$$$$" $${USER} <flexcompile


This template is used to create the actual job script file called job.ksh for the execution of flex_extract in the application modes remote and gateway.

At the beginning some directives for the batch system are set. On the ecgate server the SBATCH comments are the directives for the SLURM workload manager. A description of the single lines can be found at SLURM directives. For the high performance computers cca and ccb the PBS comments are necessary and can be view at PBS directives.

The software environment requirements mentioned in :ref:`ref-requirements` are prepared by loading the corresponding modules depending in the HOST. It should not be changed without testing.


Afterwards the run directory and the CONTROL file are created and flex_extract is executed. In the end a log file is send via email.


# start with ecaccess-job-submit -queueName ecgb NAME_OF_THIS_FILE  on gateway server
# start with sbatch NAME_OF_THIS_FILE directly on machine

#SBATCH --workdir=/scratch/ms/at/km4a
#SBATCH --qos=normal
#SBATCH --job-name=flex_ecmwf
#SBATCH --output=flex_ecmwf.%j.out
#SBATCH --error=flex_ecmwf.%j.out
#SBATCH --mail-type=FAIL
#SBATCH --time=12:00:00

## CRAY specific batch requests
##PBS -N flex_ecmwf
##PBS -q np
##PBS -S /usr/bin/ksh
## -o /scratch/ms/at/km4a/flex_ecmwf.$${PBS_JOBID}.out
## job output is in .ecaccess_DO_NOT_REMOVE
##PBS -j oe
##PBS -V
##PBS -l EC_threads_per_task=24
##PBS -l EC_memory_per_task=32000MB

set -x
export VERSION=7.1
case $${HOST} in
  module unload grib_api
  module unload eccodes
  module unload python
  module unload emos
  module load python3
  module load eccodes/2.12.0
  module load emos/455-r64
  export PATH=$${PATH}:$${HOME}/flex_extract_v7.1/source/python
  module unload python
  module switch PrgEnv-cray PrgEnv-intel
  module load python3
  module load eccodes/2.12.0
  module load emos
  export SCRATCH=$${TMPDIR}
  export PATH=$${PATH}:$${HOME}/flex_extract_v7.1/source/python
cd $${SCRATCH}
mkdir -p python$$$$
cd python$$$$
cat >$${CONTROL}<<EOF
EOF --controlfile=$${CONTROL} --inputdir=./work --outputdir=./work 1> prot 2>&1
if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
  for muser in `grep -i MAILOPS $${CONTROL}`; do
      if [ $${l} -gt 0 ] ; then
         mail -s flex.$${HOST}.$$$$ $${muser} <prot
  for muser in `grep -i MAILFAIL $${CONTROL}`; do
      if [ $${l} -gt 0 ] ; then
         mail -s "ERROR! flex.$${HOST}.$$$$" $${muser} <prot


This template is used to create the template for the execution job script job.temp for flex_extract in the installation process. A description of the file can be found under job.temp. A couple of parameters are set in this process, such as the user credentials and the flex_extract version number.


# start with ecaccess-job-submit -queueName ecgb NAME_OF_THIS_FILE  on gateway server
# start with sbatch NAME_OF_THIS_FILE directly on machine

#SBATCH --workdir=/scratch/ms/$usergroup/$username
#SBATCH --qos=normal
#SBATCH --job-name=flex_ecmwf
#SBATCH --output=flex_ecmwf.%j.out
#SBATCH --error=flex_ecmwf.%j.out
#SBATCH --mail-type=FAIL
#SBATCH --time=12:00:00

## CRAY specific batch requests
##PBS -N flex_ecmwf
##PBS -q np
##PBS -S /usr/bin/ksh
## -o /scratch/ms/$usergroup/$username/flex_ecmwf.$$$${PBS_JOBID}.out
## job output is in .ecaccess_DO_NOT_REMOVE
##PBS -j oe
##PBS -V
##PBS -l EC_threads_per_task=24
##PBS -l EC_memory_per_task=32000MB

set -x
export VERSION=$version_number
case $$$${HOST} in
  module unload grib_api
  module unload eccodes
  module unload python
  module unload emos
  module load python3
  module load eccodes/2.12.0
  module load emos/455-r64
  export PATH=$$$${PATH}:$fp_root_path
  module unload python
  module switch PrgEnv-cray PrgEnv-intel
  module load python3
  module load eccodes/2.12.0
  module load emos
  export SCRATCH=$$$${TMPDIR}
  export PATH=$$$${PATH}:$fp_root_path
cd $$$${SCRATCH}
mkdir -p python$$$$$$$$
cd python$$$$$$$$
cat >$$$${CONTROL}<<EOF
EOF --controlfile=$$$${CONTROL} --inputdir=./work --outputdir=./work 1> prot 2>&1
if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
  for muser in `grep -i MAILOPS $$$${CONTROL}`; do
      if [ $$$${l} -gt 0 ] ; then
         mail -s flex.$$$${HOST}.$$$$$$$$ $$$${muser} <prot
  for muser in `grep -i MAILFAIL $$$${CONTROL}`; do
      if [ $$$${l} -gt 0 ] ; then
         mail -s "ERROR! flex.$$$${HOST}.$$$$$$$$" $$$${muser} <prot
.. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 2
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