1 | function [header, fail] = flex_header(pathname, nest, readp, calcarea, datespath) |
2 | %=========================================== |
3 | % flex_header.m |
4 | %------------------------------------------- |
5 | % input |
6 | % - pathname: directory path |
7 | % - readp : read release points (0/1) |
8 | % output |
9 | % - header object |
10 | % - fail indicator (-1=fail, 0=success) |
11 | %------------------------------------------- |
12 | % FLEXPART matlab import routines |
13 | %------------------------------------------- |
14 | % last changes: HSO, 06-Jun-2007 |
15 | %=========================================== |
16 | |
17 | % anonymous helper function to skip some bytes |
18 | skip = @(fid) fread(fid,2,'int32'); |
19 | |
20 | % define the output object |
21 | if nargin==0 |
22 | pathname='.'; |
23 | elseif nargin==1 |
24 | nest=0; |
25 | readp=1; % default: do not read release points |
26 | calcarea=0; |
27 | end % if nargin |
28 | |
29 | % create file name for header |
30 | if (pathname(length(pathname))~='/') |
31 | pathname=[pathname '']; |
32 | end % if pathname |
33 | |
34 | |
35 | if nargin<=4 |
36 | datespath=pathname; |
37 | else |
38 | datespath=deblank(datespath); |
39 | end |
40 | |
41 | header.path=pathname; |
42 | if nest==0 |
43 | fhd=fopen([header.path 'header']); |
44 | %fprintf('\nreading header'); |
45 | header.nest=0; |
46 | else |
47 | fhd=fopen([header.path 'header_nest']); |
48 | header.nest=1; |
49 | fprintf('\nreading nested header'); |
50 | end |
51 | |
52 | % default settings |
53 | header.decayconstant=0; |
54 | |
55 | % start reading if header was opened |
56 | if fhd~=-1 |
57 | rl=fread(fhd,1,'int32'); |
58 | header.open=1; |
59 | header.ibdate=fread(fhd,1,'int32'); |
60 | header.ibtime=fread(fhd,1,'int32'); |
61 | pivot_vec=(datevec(date)); |
62 | %header.simulationstart=datenum([num2str(header.ibdate) num2str(header.ibtime,'%06d')],'yyyymmddhhMMss',pivot_vec(1)-50); |
63 | header.simulationstart=datenum([num2str(header.ibdate) num2str(header.ibtime,'%06d')],'yyyymmddhhMMss'); |
64 | header.ver=char(transpose(fread(fhd,13,'char'))); |
65 | skip(fhd); |
66 | header.loutstep=fread(fhd,1,'int32'); |
67 | header.loutaver=fread(fhd,1,'int32'); |
68 | header.loutsample=fread(fhd,1,'int32'); |
69 | skip(fhd); |
70 | header.outlon0=fread(fhd,1,'float'); |
71 | header.outlat0=fread(fhd,1,'float'); |
72 | header.numxgrid=fread(fhd,1,'int32'); |
73 | header.numygrid=fread(fhd,1,'int32'); |
74 | header.dxout=fread(fhd,1,'float'); |
75 | header.dyout=fread(fhd,1,'float',8); |
76 | header.numzgrid=fread(fhd,1,'int32'); |
77 | header.outheight=fread(fhd,header.numzgrid,'float'); |
78 | header.outheight=cat(1,[0],header.outheight); |
79 | skip(fhd); |
80 | header.jjjjmmdd=fread(fhd,1,'int32'); |
81 | header.hhmmss=fread(fhd,1,'int32',8); |
82 | header.nspec=fread(fhd,1,'int32')/3; |
83 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% diff verisons |
84 | % skip(fhd); |
85 | header.numpointspec=fread(fhd,1,'int32',8); |
86 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% diff verisons |
87 | % read the species |
88 | for i=1:header.nspec |
89 | one=fread(fhd,1,'int32'); % input skipped ?? |
90 | wd=fread(fhd,10,'char'); % input skipped ?? |
91 | skip(fhd); |
92 | one=fread(fhd,1,'int32'); % input skipped ?? |
93 | dd=fread(fhd,10,'char'); % input skipped ?? |
94 | skip(fhd); |
95 | header.numzgrid=fread(fhd,1,'int32'); |
96 | header.species(i,1:10)=char(transpose(fread(fhd,10,'char'))); |
97 | skip(fhd); |
98 | end % nspec |
99 | |
100 | % read the release points |
101 | header.numpoint=fread(fhd,1,'int32'); |
102 | % initialise fields |
103 | |
104 | header.ireleasestart=zeros(header.numpoint,1); |
105 | header.ireleaseend=zeros(header.numpoint,1); |
106 | header.kindz=zeros(header.numpoint,1); |
107 | header.xp1=zeros(header.numpoint,1); |
108 | header.yp1=zeros(header.numpoint,1); |
109 | header.xp2=zeros(header.numpoint,1); |
110 | header.yp2=zeros(header.numpoint,1); |
111 | header.zpoint1=zeros(header.numpoint,1); |
112 | header.zpoint2=zeros(header.numpoint,1); |
113 | header.npart=zeros(header.numpoint,1); |
114 | % for i=1:header.numpoint, |
115 | % header.compoint(i,1:45)=' '; |
116 | % end |
117 | header.xmass=zeros(header.numpoint,header.nspec); |
118 | |
119 | % read release info if requested |
120 | if readp==1 |
121 | rl=fread(fhd,1,'int32'); |
122 | for i=1:header.numpoint |
123 | rl=fread(fhd,1,'int32'); |
124 | %header.ireleasestart(i)=fread(fhd,1,'int32'); |
125 | %header.ireleaseend(i)=fread(fhd,1,'int32'); |
126 | header.ireleasestart(i)=header.simulationstart+(fread(fhd,1,'int32'))/24/3600; |
127 | header.ireleaseend(i)=header.simulationstart+(fread(fhd,1,'int32'))/24/3600; |
128 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 2 diffs! |
129 | % header.kindz(i)=fread(fhd,1,'int32'); |
130 | header.kindz(i)=fread(fhd,1,'int16'); |
131 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 2 diffs! |
132 | skip(fhd); |
133 | header.xp1(i)=fread(fhd,1,'float'); |
134 | header.yp1(i)=fread(fhd,1,'float'); |
135 | header.xp2(i)=fread(fhd,1,'float'); |
136 | header.yp2(i)=fread(fhd,1,'float'); |
137 | header.zpoint1(i)=fread(fhd,1,'float'); |
138 | header.zpoint2(i)=fread(fhd,1,'float'); |
139 | skip(fhd); |
140 | header.npart(i)=fread(fhd,1,'int32'); |
141 | header.mpart(i)=fread(fhd,1,'int32'); |
142 | rl=fread(fhd,2,'int32'); |
143 | header.compoint(i,:)=char(transpose(fread(fhd,45,'char'))); |
144 | rl=fread(fhd,1,'int32'); |
145 | for j=1:header.nspec, |
146 | rl=fread(fhd,1,'int32'); |
147 | header.xmass(i,j)=fread(fhd,1,'float'); |
148 | skip(fhd); |
149 | header.xmass(i,j)=fread(fhd,1,'float'); |
150 | skip(fhd); |
151 | header.xmass(i,j)=fread(fhd,1,'float'); |
152 | rl=fread(fhd,1,'int32'); |
153 | end |
154 | end % numpoint |
155 | else |
156 | % skip reading points, fill data structure with zeroes |
157 | fseek(fhd,119*header.numpoint+(header.nspec*36)*header.numpoint+4,'cof'); |
158 | end % readp |
159 | |
160 | |
161 | rl=fread(fhd,1,'int32'); |
162 | %%% check if ind_rel, ind_source is written out |
163 | |
164 | header.method=fread(fhd,1,'int32'); |
165 | header.lsubgrid=fread(fhd,1,'int32'); |
166 | header.lconvection=fread(fhd,1,'int32'); |
167 | if rl==20 |
168 | header.ind_source=fread(fhd,1,'int32'); |
169 | header.ind_receptor=fread(fhd,1,'int32'); |
170 | end |
171 | skip(fhd); |
172 | header.nageclass=fread(fhd,1,'int32'); |
173 | header.lage(1:header.nageclass)= fread(fhd,header.nageclass,'int32'); |
174 | skip(fhd); |
175 | |
176 | header.oroout=zeros(header.numxgrid,header.numygrid); |
177 | for ix=1:header.numxgrid, |
178 | header.oroout(ix,:)=fread(fhd,header.numygrid,'float'); |
179 | skip(fhd); |
180 | end% fread |
181 | |
182 | fclose(fhd); |
183 | fail=0; |
184 | |
185 | % try reading the dates file |
186 | f=([datespath 'dates']); |
187 | if exist(f) |
188 | dat=importdata([datespath 'dates']); |
189 | header.dates=(datenum(num2str(dat),'yyyymmddHHMMss')); |
190 | else |
191 | header.dates=NaN; |
192 | fprintf('Could not read dates file: %s\n',f); |
193 | end |
194 | |
195 | header.lonp = [header.outlon0+header.dxout/2:header.dxout:header.outlon0+header.dxout*header.numxgrid]; |
196 | header.latp = [header.outlat0+header.dyout/2:header.dyout:header.outlat0+header.dyout*header.numygrid]; |
197 | header.zp= (header.outheight(1:length(header.outheight)-1)+header.outheight(2:length(header.outheight)))./2; |
198 | % header.lonp = [header.outlon0:header.dxout:header.outlon0+header.dxout*header.numxgrid-header.dxout]; |
199 | % header.latp = [header.outlat0:header.dyout:header.outlat0+header.dyout*header.numygrid-header.dyout]; |
200 | |
201 | if calcarea==1 |
202 | header.area = calculate_grid_area_eff(header); |
203 | end |
204 | else % if header file not opened |
205 | |
206 | fail=-1; |
207 | header.open=0; % this is the only field in header! |
208 | |
209 | end % if header file opened |
210 | |
211 | end % of function flex_header |
212 | |
213 | %fin |