Version 11 (modified by admin, 11 years ago) (diff) |
Become a registered user !
We recommend to all regular users of FLEXPART (or FLEXTRA) to register as users.
- Can submit tickets (read more)
- Can edit wiki pages (learn how)
- Will receive notification on new releases and other important news by e-mail
- None. You can delete your account at any time. Lost passwords will be mailed by automatic procedure. E-mail address will not be exposed on the web and only be used for communication related to FLEXPART.
- Fill in the registration form. Don't use a valuable password, it is transmitted insecurely!
- User name: Developers use all lowercase names, so for discerning users and developers it is suggested that you choose a user name starting with uppercase (preferably your real name - note that e-mail addresses are not exposed)
- You ll receive a token to verify your email address and you are good to go.
- In case of problems, please write a ticket using the appropriate component.
What else?
- There is also a discussion list for users of FLEXPART (& FLEXTRA). Everyone can subscribe to this mailing list at, and we suggest that registered users also subscribe to the list. Do not use this list for bug reports or feature requests - those have to be submitted through tickets. However, you may want to discuss ideas with others on the list, ask for peer support, find collaborators, announce interesting results, etc. The list is presently not moderated and not archived.