
Version 6 (modified by pesei, 8 years ago) (diff)

link to other wiki page for grib_api

Installation guide



Hints for installing FLEXPART v8.2

(should work for all versions of FLEXPART)

a step-by-step guidance for installing FLEXPART v8.2 at your local unix machine. Please consider to consult FLEXPART v8.2 documentation

  1. Download Grib-API and Jasper as described in the FLEXPART documentation
  1. Install Jasper library
     mkdir /%HOME%/lib/
     cp /%HOME%/lib
     cd %HOME%/lib
     cd %JASPER%
     ./configure --prefix=/%HOME%/lib/%JASPER%
     make check
     make install
  2. Install Grib-API library
     mkdir /%HOME%/lib/src/
     cp %GRIB%.tar.gz /%HOME%/lib/
     cp %GRIB%.tar.gz /%HOME%/lib/src/
     cd /%HOME%/lib/src/
     tar -xvf %GRIB%.tar.gz
     ./configure --prefix=/%HOME%/lib/%GRIB% --with-jasper=/%HOME%/lib/%JASPER%
     make check
     make install
  3. Add the following lines to the .bashrc-file of your home directory:
     edit %HOME%/.bashrc (e.g. vi or emacs)
     export GRIB_API_BIN=“/%HOME/lib/%GRIB%/bin“
     export GRIB_API_LIB=“/%HOME/lib/%GRIB%/lib“
     export GRIB_API_INCLUDE=“/%HOME/lib/%GRIB%/include“
     export PATH=$GRIB_API_BIN:$PATH
  4. Testing whether Grib-API installation has been successful: read out Grib-file:
     grib_ls %FILENAME%
  5. Download Flexpart (%FLEXPART%.tar.gz) as described in the flexpart documentation
  1. Unzip Flexpart-Archive, modify makefile und compile
     tar -xvf %FLEXPART%.tar.gz
     cp makefile.%(version)% makefile
     edit makefile (e.g. vi or emacs)
    Change lines to:

Adjust file includepar in the FLEXPART directory to your local computing capacities and your needs (if the values of the following parameters are choosen too high, compiling via make will fail)

 parameter(nxmax=721,nymax=361,nuvzmax=92,nwzmax=92,nzmax=92) (input: ECMWF windfields with resolution 0.5°)
 parameter(nxmax=361,nymax=181,nuvzmax=92,nwzmax=92,nzmax=92) (input: ECMWF windfields with resolution 1.0°)
 parameter(maxpart=22000000) (Change to: 1000000 (or 500000 / according to your computer specifications))
 parameter(maxspec=60) (Number of species. Change to 1 oder 2 (according to your computer specifications and your scientific problem)))
 make clean

Minimum requirements for typical domains and particle numbers: 4 GB RAM

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