
Version 3 (modified by dearn, 11 years ago) (diff)


Installation guide



Hints for installing Flexpart v8.2

(should work for all Versions of Flexpart)

a step-by-step guidance for installing flexpart v8.2 at your local unix machine. Please consider to consult Flexpart v8.2 documentation

  1. Download Grib-API und Jasper as described in the flexpart documentation
  1. Install Jasper library
     mkdir /%HOME%/lib/
     cp /%HOME%/lib
     cd %HOME%/lib
     cd %JASPER%
     ./configure --prefix=/%HOME%/lib/%JASPER%
     make check
     make install
  2. Install Grib-API library
     mkdir /%HOME%/lib/src/
     cp %GRIB%.tar.gz /%HOME%/lib/
     cp %GRIB%.tar.gz /%HOME%/lib/src/
     cd /%HOME%/lib/src/
     tar -xvf %GRIB%.tar.gz
     ./configure --prefix=/%HOME%/lib/%GRIB% --with-jasper=/%HOME%/lib/%JASPER%
     make check
     make install
  3. Add the following lines to the bash.rc-file of your home directory:
     edit %HOME%/.bashrc (e.g. vi or emacs)
     export GRIB_API_BIN=“/%HOME/lib/%GRIB%/bin“
     export GRIB_API_LIB=“/%HOME/lib/%GRIB%/lib“
     export GRIB_API_INCLUDE=“/%HOME/lib/%GRIB%/include“
     export PATH=$GRIB_API_BIN:$PATH
  4. Testing if Grib-API installation has been successful: read out Grib-file:
     grib_ls %FILENAME%
  5. Download Flexpart (%FLEXPART%.tar.gz) as described in the flexpart documentation
  1. Unzip Flexpart-Archive, modify makefile und compile
     tar -xvf %FLEXPART%.tar.gz
     cp makefile.%(version)% makefile
     edit makefile (e.g. vi or emacs)

Change lines to:


Adjust file includepar in the Flexpart-directory to your local computing capacities (if the values of the following parameters are choosen too high, compiling via make will fail)

 parameter(nxmax=721,nymax=361,nuvzmax=92,nwzmax=92,nzmax=92) (input: ECMWF windfields with resolution 0.5°)
 parameter(nxmax=361,nymax=181,nuvzmax=92,nwzmax=92,nzmax=92) (input: ECMWF windfields with resolution 1.0°)
 parameter(maxpart=22000000) (Change to: 1000000 (or 500000 / according to your computer specifications))
 parameter(maxspec=60) (Number of species. Change to 1 oder 2 (according to your computer specifications and your scientific problem)))
 make clean

Minimum requirements to achieve results in a reasonable time: 4GB RAM

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