= FLEPXART - NorESM/CAM = A version of FLEXPART for use with the [https://folk.uib.no/ngfhd/EarthClim/Publications/publications.html#no Norwegian Earth System Model (NorESM1-M)], which is based on the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Community_Climate_System_ModelCommunity Climate System Model (CCSM4)] which includes the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM4). == Overview == - FLEXPART - NorESM/CAM (V1) is based on [FpRoadmap FLEXPART V9]. The code is very similar to the original FLEXPART V9. - Compared to the standard FLEXPART V9 this NorESm/CAM version does not allow nesting and it is tailored to run using the grid resolution of NorESM in the CMIP5 configuration (1.89°×2.5°) and 26 vertical levels. - In COMMAND there is an added flag to set the method to calculate the vertical velocity (see GMD manuscript in preparation, see bottom of the page) and - in PATHNAMES there is an additional path to a file defining the grid structure of the meteorological input data. == Reference for the FLEXPART-NorESM/CAM model version == Cassiani, M., Stohl, A., Olivié, D., Seland, Ø., Bethke, I., Pisso, I., and Iversen, T.: ''The offline Lagrangian particle model FLEXPART–NorESM/CAM (v1): model description and comparisons with the online NorESM transport scheme and with the reference FLEXPART model'', Geosci. Model Dev., 9, 4029–4048, https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-9-4029-2016, 2016. == Installation == The download and installation test procedure (you need `git` on your local system, available as standard package of all Linux distros (Git homepage: https://git-scm.com).): 1. Create a base directory e.g.[[BR]] `mkdir ~/repos` 2. Get the code using Git, type the command: [[BR]] `git clone https://www.flexpart.eu/gitmob/flexpart -b flexpart-noresm` This will create a local `flexpart` directory containing the sub-directories - `src` (with sources), - `tests` and - `options`.[[BR]] 3. Get the meteorological data and two extra `.dat` files needed by FLEXPART (~650 Mb): Download the file `flexpartnoresm.dat.tar` from https://www.flexpart.eu/downloads/53 4. Decompress the data using the command:[[BR]] `tar -xf flexpartnoresm.dat.tar`[[BR]] the archive contains the driving meteorological data for tests (in sub-directory `meteogrid`) and two essential input `.dat` files that FLEXPART needs in the `options` directory 5. Be sure to move the two input `.dat` files mentioned in 4. to the options directory, e.g. use the command: `mv *.dat options` 6. Once the structure is in place, one has to compile and create the executable. a. make sure the NetCDF libraries are available (Standard package for Linux, see also http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/) b. modify the makefile where needed to link to your local NetCDF library c. make the executable: `make -f makefile_noresm_gfortran` 7. Finally test that the installation works a. go to the `tests` directory b. execute the file `./create_tests`[[BR]] It will create 3 basic test cases in the directory `~/repos/flexpart/tests_tmp`[[br]] or[[br]] execute the file `./create_and_run`[[br]] It will create the tests and run automatically.