== FLEPXART - NorESM/CAM == FLEPXART - NorESM/CAM (V1) is based on FLEXPART V9. The code is very similar to the original FLEXPARTV9. - Compared to the standard FLEXPART V9 this NorESm/CAM version does not allow nesting and it is tailored to run using the grid resolution of NorESM in the CMIP5 configuration (1.89°×2.5°) and 26 vertical levels. - In COMMAND there is an added flag to set the method to calculate the vertical velocity (see GMD manuscript in preparation, see bottom of the page) and - in PATHNAMES there is an additional path to a file defining the grid structure of the meteorological input data. The download and installation test procedure (you need git on your local system, available as standard package of all Linux distros (Git homepage: https://git-scm.com/downloads). ): 1. Create a base directory e.g.[[BR]] `mkdir ~/repos` 2. Get the code using Git, type the command: [[BR]] `git clone https://www.flexpart.eu/gitmob/flexpart -b flexpart-noresm` This will create a local `flexpart` directory containing the sub-directories - `src` (with sources), - `tests` and - `options`.[[BR]] 3. Get the meteorological data and two extra `.dat` files needed by FLEXPART (~650 Mb): Download the file `flexpartnoresm.dat.tar` from https://www.flexpart.eu/downloads/53 4. Decompress the data using the command:[[BR]] `tar -xf flexpartnoresm.dat.tar`[[BR]] the archive contains the driving meteorological data for tests (in sub-directory `meteogrid`) and two essential input `.dat` files that FLEXPART needs in the `options` directory 5. Be sure to move the two input `.dat` files mentioned in 4. to the options directory e.g. use command: `mv *.dat options` ' 6. Once the structure is in place one has to create the executable. a. make sure the NetCDF libraries are available (Standard package for Linux, see also http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/) b. modify the makefile where needed to link to your local NetCDF library c. make the executable: `make -f makefile_noresm_gfortran` 7. Finally test that the installation works a. go to the `tests` directory b. execute the file `./create_tests`[[BR]] It will create 3 basic test cases in the directory `~/repos/flexpart/tests_tmp`[[br]] or[[br]] execute the file `./create_and_run`[[br]] It will create the tests and run automatically The Reference for the FLEXPART-NorESM/CAM model version is: Cassiani M., Stohl A., Olivié D., Seland Ø., Bethke I., Pisso I., Iversen T. (2016): '''The Lagrangian particle model FLEXPART-NorESM/CAM: model description, validation and an example application'''. To be submitted soon to ''[http://www.geosci-model-dev-discuss.net/ Geoscientific Model Development Discussion]''.