
FLEXPART Developer Meeting April 2018

Time: 10 April 2018, 18.30 - 21.00
Place: Dept. of Meteorology & Geophysics, Univ. of Vienna

Major results:

  1. A new version of the flex_extract software for ECMWF data extraction including support for CERA and ERA5 will come soon.
    Information how ERA-Interim (and soon also ERA-5) reanalysis data can be extracted by everyone (public account) for use in Fp will be added to FpInputMetEcmwf
  1. FLEXPART Version 10 to be released ca end of June, accompanied by a model description to appear in GMD
  1. Usability of the web site will be improved.


Harald Sodemann (Univ Bergen)
Sabine Eckhardt (NILU)
Ignacio Pisso (NILU)
Andreas Stohl (NILU)
Bert Verreyken (Univ La Reunion / Bureau de l'Aeronomie Belgium)
Petra Seibert (BOKU/Univie)
Anne Philipp (Univie)
Leo Haimberger (Univie)
Christian Maurer (ZAMG)
Marielle Mulder (ZAMG)
Massimo Cassiani (NILU)
John Burkhart (Univ Bergen)

Last modified 6 years ago Last modified on Apr 24, 2018, 3:56:11 PM
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